Mark Dice covers the “Toxic Masculinity” Gillette Ad – IOTW Report

Mark Dice covers the “Toxic Masculinity” Gillette Ad

20 Comments on Mark Dice covers the “Toxic Masculinity” Gillette Ad

  1. You’d think some of these ad agencies and the bozos internally approving this crap might have recalled Bud Light’s epic fail with piglet Amy Schumer and mansplainer Seth Rogan’s pathetic equal pay commercial. Just goes to show who runs all these agencies and departments. A bunch of losers carrying man bags, with man buns and skinny girl jeans. Bud yanked the ad after their sales declined. Gee wonder how this will go for Gillette.

  2. Wow! In the highly lucrative — but even more highly competitive — market of personal care products, you’d think a very mature (as in longevity) company like Gillette would have a deep bench of accountants and a finely-tuned market research department who could have argued against this move.

    Bye bye market share. Hello superficial “woke” (mostly with trendy beards) who don’t buy razors. Come to think of it, a lot of “woke” feminists don’t shave anything — faces, legs or armpits.

    But I see they are still using that sexist tag line: “The best a man can get.” Someone ought to point that out to them. (See how I just turned nothing into something?)

  3. They were screwed anyway! With men becoming to wimpy to even grow whiskers and with women now growing their pit and leg hair three inches long razors are becoming obsolete!

  4. The main flaw with the “toxic masculinity” movement is that they are painting ALL men with the concept. Everyone can agree there are many men who are total jerks, including violent criminals, thieves, rapists, gang members, jihadis, etc. The leaders of the movement must know this but the movement is not about that but instead is about demonizing white heterosexual men, most who are Trump supporters, for political reasons. When you get right down to it the most violent entities on the planet are socialist governments who initate force and fraud at extreme levels.

  5. Everyone swore off Nike after Kappernick ad.
    That quarter, Nike exceeded their sales figures.

    You should expect nothing less from Gillette. Don’t shoot the messenger, I don’t understand it either.

    Off I go to cancel my Netflix subscription. There’s never been a Gillette product in my house.

  6. Gillett has been pro Commie progressive for at least 70 years. Which is why when I was in the field I used Wilkinson blades. In Barracks I used electric.

    I was a conservative crank even as a kid. Nothing changed; same with Gillette.

  7. I love the fact that these women at Burger King complain and say they are not going to pay more for the same product, but then say that they pay more for the same product (razors) at the pharmacy. Really? You don’t compare, and if the products TRULY are the same, simply buy the cheaper men’s version? Kinda makes these women out to be morons if they’ll protest at Burger King but fork over extra money for the “same” razor.

  8. Now wait just a mothertruckin’ minute.
    I am reclaimin’ ma time.

    Here are short examples of why women’s service prices are higher than men’s:

    1. The hair salon. Look at how many different hair colors, cuts, hairstyles there are in the books they have laying around. And look at the men’s book. That’s right 1 book to women’s 8 or 9 style books. Beauticians have to take longer time with women’s hair.

    2. Dry cleaners. Men have shirts. Pants. suits.
    Women have suits, dresses, pants, blouses, scarves, and each one of those bad boys have special buttons and collars, ruffles, pleats, special fabrics like silks, rayon, so on and so on.
    That’s EXTRA work.

    3. Nail salon. Men get pedicure/manicures. Cut nails, buff them, they’re outta there.
    Women- They cut, soak, massage, manicure, paint, UV light, paint fancy design, top coat, glitter, rhinestones, blah blah blah. Guess what! That requires extra time extra money.

    No one is charging women extra for food. That BK ad was complete bullshit.
    And they know it, but they’re playing the SJW retard feminists for idiots just to sell some dry crumbly-ass burgers. That’s right, the burgers fall apart and are sub-par. Maybe take that cash they waste on ads and buy better ingredients!

    Thank you. I yield back ma balance of time.

  9. Racer X-
    Right?! Chain stores sell razors, the same cheap razors for the same price. The colors are different, but the price is the same.

    The price for women are higher, in some cases, because the manufacturers see that women like cutesy shit. Shit with oils and lotions. Curved handles, razors that cut through wire (I read that women’s hair is actually tougher to cut than men’s. Go figure) You want fancy, you pay for fancy.

    Can you imagine the cost of someone making a custom Mulberry Silk formal dress for a fat chick compared to a skinny chick? If a larger dress requires 8 yards and a size 0 dress only requires 5, who do you think will get charged more for their dress?

    This isn’t about SJW’s wanting to be EQUAL. They want to be Equal but SPECIAL. Fuck off, stupids.

  10. Verizon has been touting their product with two Soy Boys discussing how great the system is – HOW do these execs figure that chubby, wimpy men swishing their day away is the winning program for smart phone sales?

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