Mark Dice- Deranged Attack On Father’s Day By Deranged Left – IOTW Report

Mark Dice- Deranged Attack On Father’s Day By Deranged Left

9 Comments on Mark Dice- Deranged Attack On Father’s Day By Deranged Left

  1. A movement created by unappealing women with smoldering anger exuding from every pore. These enchanting ladies are compelled to point out every flaw they perceive in a man that they happen across and guarantee a very unpleasant experience.

  2. As someone who works for a large wholesale floral distributor I can guarandamntee tell you we don’t sell or distribute any Fathers Day flowers. Happy fathers day to all the dads out there including my son who’s 2nd daughter will be born next month.

  3. And without fathers, these ungrateful bitches would never have been spawned. May these ungrateful bitches never spawn. That will end that problem in a generation.

  4. This will be the first Father’s Day without my dad who died two weeks ago. I cannot imagine not setting aside a single day to honor him and all the good and decent men who bestow their wives and children with adoration and love. Happy Father’s Day, dad!

  5. Requiescat in Pace stop2think’s Dad. My Dad passed 22 years ago and I miss him every day.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. Could I please have your attention, men? Here is my advice for you:

    IGNORE ANYONE (even me šŸ˜‰ ) who tell you how to be a man.

    Advice for those who feel the need to change men:

    Sit down and shut up.

  7. Question for all the millennial women who want to fight the patriarchy. Doesn’t the patriarchy include your own daddy? And does anybody love you more than your daddy? I know there’s nobody on the planet that I love more than my daughter.

    And this is a bond you want to rupture? Why? Because a whole bunch of psychologically damaged females whose own daddies were shitheads are telling you to?


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