Mark Dice – Forced Diversity in Commercials – IOTW Report

Mark Dice – Forced Diversity in Commercials

30 Comments on Mark Dice – Forced Diversity in Commercials

  1. All of the white women are married to black men, all of the white men are married to unattractive black women, the children can be any race except white because the children of whites are now “blended”…

  2. Forced compliance fosters hatred and push back.

    This is not pushing brand choices it is pushing ideology. Especially an ideology which is evil, unnatural, and harmful to humanity.

    This stuff goes beyond political correctness and is now the deception of the evil that is overtaking our land inspired by the conspiracies mentioned by the Church Lady.

    To quote a favorite movie of mine (“Shock Treatment”): “Faggots are maggots, thank God I’m a man.”

  3. I love the Holiday Season! Once every 15 minutes (on Fox News, no less) we’re treated to an Omaha Steak ad with two laughing, bearded fruits exchanging tasteful gift packages. Sorry guys. I’ll have to pass this year. I just lost my appetite!

  4. The very small, yet powerful group of “global” advertising agencies clearly have an agenda. It’s doubtful the client has much of a say. They’d be accused of racism, homophobia or some other “ism” if they objected.

  5. Regulate the shit out of it then.
    All commercials must reflect the actual racial profile of the target area bought for. Hefty fines for over or under representation.
    Same goes for Gender Dysphoric, Gay, Train set enthusiasts, malingerers, girly men, Mulatto, modified, horribly disfigured, homeless.

  6. dee, Read the campaign. It was setup by a veteran triple amputee, with full identity and verified status disclosure. The campaign also seeks to FORCE the government to use any and all funds turned over by the campaign for ONLY the border wall. If goals aren’t met, you get your money back. Further it states that if all of trumps supporters donated $80, the wall would be funded entirely, not just a portion. I’m inclined to provide a $100 donation the next time I sit down and deal with money stuff.

  7. The last two patients were described as identifying as men, so were they both female? It’s hard to sort these patients.

    I wish Mark did not yell everything he says. I use volume control but the tone is still shrill and unpleasant. OTOH he doesn’t put a loud bang at the end of every video, so he has that going for him.

  8. The Audi ads have only minorities performing good deeds. The Target ads are minority white people and come across as forced. The only two parent families are at least mixed race. And on and on. They are doing more to turn off people than attract them.
    And the diamond and phone afs all have homosexuals.

  9. Here’s something weird. Every little kid black girl has perfectly curly hair, dark brown or blonde -ish. The parents could be black as night, medium, or pale skinned, doesn’t matter. It’s the SAME little black girl as a daughter. LOL! What’s wrong with having a one race ad with people that actually match each other once in a while? Everything has to be so forced. It’s annoying. WE GET IT. People and races intermingle. Try focusing on making your shit products BETTER. (I’m lookin’ at YOU, McDonald’s)

  10. Do these people realize they contradict themselves every other word? Husband is hardly a gender-neutral word. Not to know what Gender the kid will choose still confirms there are only 2 to choose from.


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