Mark Dice- Hollywood Committed To “Social Impact Entertainment” – AKA Propaganda – IOTW Report

Mark Dice- Hollywood Committed To “Social Impact Entertainment” – AKA Propaganda

20 Comments on Mark Dice- Hollywood Committed To “Social Impact Entertainment” – AKA Propaganda

  1. Writers of “entertainment” these days are only good at coming up with cute names for lying propaganda ploys.
    Glad I don’t watch anything he talked about except “Last Man Standing”.

  2. Okay it’s kind of Mark Dice’s job to comment on these things. But I no longer care to hear the whining from conservatives about all the garbage they see in Hollywood.

    If you are a true conservative American, you would have rejected Hollywood 100% years ago. That is an enemy tribe trying (and succeeding) to rot out our culture. And I do mean tribe, as in wandering tribe. They are our enemy and if you buy their product, even if just to bitch about it, then you are supporting them just as much as any blue-haired feminist or flag-burning commie.


  3. Everyone does the work of the master they serve.

    Hollywood knows its master well.

    Know yours as well and try to do his work. Do it as well as they do for theirs.

    By the fruits is the tree known.

  4. @John James

    It’s not difficult to discern your anti-Semitism.

    Many nominally Christian people are giving lip service to Christianity and are the main source of revenue for the entertainment industry. Actors and musicians are by-and-large Christians. Christians are the ones keeping the industry profitable.

    I am not Jewish, but blaming Jews for the evil of Hollywood is ignorant.

  5. “I am not Jewish, but blaming Jews for the evil of Hollywood is ignorant.”

    Even though it’s their institution. Hilarious. You absolute dupe. YOU are ignorant. Hollywood, media, advertising are enemy institutions right now. Dominated by who again? But you can’t make the connection. You’re no different than a brainwashed, autopilot NPC. Thinking you’re a hero now, aren’t you? You absolute fool. You utter, absolute stooge.

  6. I said boycott it right up above. That’s a start. Another is to WAKE UP to it. That one is for you. What a good little brainwashed goy you are though; immediately blaming Christians for the evil rot being implanted into our institutions by others. Wake up.

    Let me walk you through it.

    Media, Hollywood/music and advertising are pushing the rot into our culture. Agree? (Stop reading when you disagree, btw).

    One group is overwhelmingly dominant in the leadership of all three of those institutions. Agree?

    Brainwashed ‘Christian’ dopes who follow along are not the leaders, but followers/dupes. Agree?

    This same group has a very long history of infiltrating and rotting out the world’s most powerful Christian nation? Agree. (If not, go learn about Weimar Germany for one example)

    The principles being presented via media, Hollywood and advertising are harmful attacks on white, Christian Americans. Agree?

    So do you disagree with me still? Then what point do you disagree with? Tell me which point is wrong. Don’t just jump straight ahead to your brainwashed charges of anti-Semitism. Israel is an extremely powerful country. They can be criticized too. Because countries’ actions can be criticized. Agree?

  7. Yeah keep on standing strong with the same people who have not only ruined things for you but for your progeny. You’re just acting under narratives that they placed right into your empty head. Space for rent. Let me guess…I’m an evil Nazi, right? Yup, right on cue. Right according to their narrative, while they rot everything around you, by the day. Advertising, media, entertainment, finance, higher ed. All theirs to some degree or other…all rotting our country out right in front of our faces, but you just keep on with your (their) narratives that you’re so proud of. You dummy. You naive, manipulated soul. Loser. Thinking you’re a righteous American but you’re so used. You’re so stupid.

  8. And don’t think I didn’t notice how you couldn’t name which of my points was something that you disagree with. Good little Goy. Just jump straight to the ‘anti-semitism’ ‘evil Nazi’ horses#!t. Just like you’ve been trained to do.

  9. @John James

    It’s the perverts of all races who are screwing up entertainment, you fool.

    I direct my ire at sex perverts. You are missing the target by going after the “tribes”. You’re a punk and an idiot.

    You are frothing at the mouth over an imagined enemy. Like Don Quixote attacking windmills. Insanity is exploding in your head.

    I already boycott the industry, except for Clint Eastwood. There is nothing you can tell me.

  10. “Social Impact Entertainment”

    Illegal aliens with real family problems that we should care about. Trashing the President, twisting his words.

    But still offering PLENTY of psychotic killers, explosions, extreme assault weapons, gruesome deaths, blood and gore.

    Nah. Can’t tone that down at all. No way.

  11. Tim Buktu,

    An ‘imagined enemy’ that is in total control of the top levels of advertising, media, entertainment. The 3 institutions responsible for our cultural rot. Again, point out which statement of mine is incorrect. Do they not exist?,2,6

    Not gonna click on it are you? Kinda grinds against your good goy brainwashing.

  12. @John James

    Get this and get it right: there is nothing an ignoramous like you can explain, teach, or convince me of.

    Your racially charged crudeness and cruelty are your outstanding traits. You are an embarrassment and an enemy to the conservative movement. Your presence would degrade a pile of horse droppings.

  13. Yes or no? DID YOU CLICK ON THE LINK? Still tilting at windmills after seeing it? Once again, you play the racial hero, just as the programming would have you do. You hopeless idiot. You puppet on a string. Click on the link and wake up.

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