Mark Dice: It’s Time To Be Even More Vocal in Support of the President – IOTW Report

Mark Dice: It’s Time To Be Even More Vocal in Support of the President

This is a similar message to Paul Joseph Watson’s latest piece.

8 Comments on Mark Dice: It’s Time To Be Even More Vocal in Support of the President

  1. The Left is all in with a do or die winner takes all approach now, maybe it’s time for the majority of fence sitters on the right to wake up and do the same.

    It’s going to go one way or the other for our country, there is no middle of the road path to take.

  2. These socialists are going to create an absolute dictatorship. Most Republicans in the house and senate don’t seem to understand what that would mean to them and their families. How do we wake up these shameless idiots?

  3. Everyone better pay heed to our choices before us today.. Make no mistake about the Left.., they are planning to ‘salt the earth’, and we are in their way.., no middle ground..

  4. Ambush mockery of every coup-monger, be they media or pol, every time the cameras are on them. No violence, no anger, just make them look like the petty, lying fools they are. Ruin their moment, whenever and wherever possible. Bullhorns and giant puppets if that’s what it takes to get under their skin. We are everywhere else when we aren’t at a Trump rally.

  5. Grey Beaver, walking so fast, you could smell hair burning.
    Did they give the boy a lollipop, looks like he has been crying.
    Citing Donna Brazils poll, you are not even close, Hillary.
    Fed Judge; “…that’s unconstitutional…”
    Progs; “We doon need no stinkin’ Constitution.”


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