Mark Dice – Maher Sees the Light – IOTW Report

Mark Dice – Maher Sees the Light

9 Comments on Mark Dice – Maher Sees the Light

  1. There are as many “genders” as the morons want to believe.

    There, are, however, only two SEXES.

    Muddled language inspires muddled thought.

    izlamo delenda est …


    That’s what all these stupid things are about, making landmines for white people to step on and then apologize.

    Every time there is a shooting, they want to ban guns for white people, meanwhile black people shooting each other every day in Chicago, has no effect because they’re black and won’t obey any gun control law anyway.

  3. William Maher is an American comedian, political commentator, and television host Tranny F’er. He was raised in his Irish-American father’s Roman Catholic religion, was unaware that his mother, whose family was from Hungary, was Jewish.
    Like this could ever end well,,,
    Completely agree about Mark for once ST’ing the F’ Up’.


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