Mark Dice – MSNBC Mistakenly Allows a Fact To Go Out On Air – IOTW Report

Mark Dice – MSNBC Mistakenly Allows a Fact To Go Out On Air

4 Comments on Mark Dice – MSNBC Mistakenly Allows a Fact To Go Out On Air

  1. About the immigration crisis, Sheriff Paul Babeu from AZ, is already smearing Kevin McAleena (

    From what I saw on the replies to him, not only the Sheriff is lying (

    but he also had (has?) a Mexican gay lover:

  2. Five people per square meter? I trust they did not count the walled compounds of the elite in calculating that population density.

    What what would people eat if there is no place left to grow food?

    Do they realize that the 1 terabyte hard drive in their computers should not have more than 500 gigs on them or the computer will not work right?


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