Mark Dice – NEVER FORGET what the democrats have done – IOTW Report

Mark Dice – NEVER FORGET what the democrats have done

And now Maxine Waters is running around saying sh never really meant that Trump would be impeached.

11 Comments on Mark Dice – NEVER FORGET what the democrats have done

  1. Just when you think you have their horrible behavior seared into your memory, they do something worse, and you forget all about the Kavanaugh confirmation. Or the McCain funerals. Or the Charlottesville lies. Or the restaurant ambushes. Or the…I forgot.

  2. You know the left is delusional, don’t you? Of course Mad-Maxine is going to say what the worms in her brain are telling her really happened. Many of the sheeple on the left will believe them when they back-peddle so hard that it causes tornado-force winds.

    But, in their delusion, they seem to forget a little something called the internet and all the lovely videos that we will be playing over and over and over again proving that they are all a smelly pile of shit. Every one of them.

    Just to be fair, there will be some on the left that will pretend to see the error of their … I mean … of OTHER’s way and talk about how SOME people got it all wrong (here’s looking at you, Brian Stetler!).

    Don’t you believe that any of them are sincere. Since their “shame” gene has been removed, they will never, ever think they were wrong.

    Gee, I’m quite enjoying myself. Not tired of winning at all, Mr. President!

  3. …when Maxine said “Impeach”, she didn’t mean IMPEACH impeach…


    …standard Democrat dodge when their treason goes awry…next up, look for them to start saying that it was a “joke” and they are all “comedians”…

  4. Did anyone on the Democrat side ever think, “You know, I’m on the same side as Maxine Waters. Is it possible we might be in the wrong here.”

    Just listen to her. Everything she says could be used as evidence to have her involuntarily committed


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