Mark Dice- Reports by the Left of My Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated – IOTW Report

Mark Dice- Reports by the Left of My Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

7 Comments on Mark Dice- Reports by the Left of My Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

  1. We, the media (see my credential badge right here, it even has my picture on it, pretty bitchin’, huh?) will give you all the facts you need to agree with our biases, which aren’t really biases but cold impartial analytical assessments, trust us.

    OT, but the other day our great nation passed the $22,000,000,000,000.00 mark for our national debt (I figured adding all those zeroes instead of just writing “trillion” would punctuate our dire position). I was hoping someone here would put up a post on this sad affair. For 8 years we hammered Obama for his profligate spending habits…………..nothing has changed. We can continue to borrow our way to prosperity, until we can’t, and our children we curse us for sticking them with the bill.

  2. Silencing enemies used to be the purview of tyrannical regimes… at least until Google, Amazon, and Youtube came along. Manipulating information, and relegating people to electronic oblivion because a data entry nerd can do it is immoral. But, as a Verizon Rep told me, “I don’t mean to call you a liar, but if this is not in my computer it never happened.”


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