Mark Dice- Smollett Spending 2 Days With Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push as Hate Crime Hoax Penalty – IOTW Report

Mark Dice- Smollett Spending 2 Days With Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push as Hate Crime Hoax Penalty

14 Comments on Mark Dice- Smollett Spending 2 Days With Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push as Hate Crime Hoax Penalty

  1. Just looking at this greasy fudge packer makes me want to take a bath. The odor that surrounds him is intense. He was packing envelopes all right with the great cereal box Rev. Jackson[with a little packing of Jackson on the side!]
    Pack this guy up and send him to Saudi Arabia, they are starting public executions in Riyadh soon. Smellet could be the star of the show.

  2. …I would consider having to spend time with Jessie Jackson a punishment (unless it was as a member of his firing squad) but I’m not sure the gay Black guy feels the same way about it…

  3. The biggest tragedy in all of this. He wanted to press charges against two WHITE MEN.

    Then the cops told this piece of shit they had the NIGERIANS in custody, and he then wanted to DROP THE CHARGES!

  4. The damage is done.How many MAGA
    hat wearers will be assaulted,attacked,punched
    by some brain dead zombie SJW who still thinks the
    smallholette hoax is real ?

  5. If the rumor is true that Kamala Harris is his aunt (sister of his mother), then this whole stinking scenario is explained.

    I’d welcome Sharia Law just to see both B.H. Obama and Justin Omlett take the Muslim Roof-to-Sidewalk Taste Test.

  6. Isn’t Je$$e’s son still in jail for massive campaign fraud?

    This is like Mr. Blonde going to work as a longshoreman for Nice Guy Eddie.

    And why is a former First Lady’s Chief of Staff calling a prosecutor other than to abuse their clout.

    This was done to provide an active, parallel storylune to Kamala’s anti-lynching platform and their connection suggests collusion.

  7. Jussie was doing the bidding of some big anti-American.
    His case was dropped, and sealed(!), by a judge also controlled by this Enemy.
    All the breathless talk is worthless if no one pursues the identity of this Enemy.

    Remember that the hoax’ purpose was to smear Trump supporters, aka deplorables, the unredeemable losers in flyover country.

  8. “… greasy fudge packer …”
    “greasy fudge packee”
    there, fixed it for ya!

    He gonna stay a few days with JJ? … I guess Tamara Holder ain’t there to give JJ his blow-jobs any more?

    izlamo delenda est …


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