Mark Dice- The dumbest person ever elected to congress in the history of the United States – IOTW Report

Mark Dice- The dumbest person ever elected to congress in the history of the United States

27 Comments on Mark Dice- The dumbest person ever elected to congress in the history of the United States

  1. Rush made a great point – the media has made her and hence they can destroy her. And they will when they need to at some point. So get the popcorn and watch her head spin when she goes too far with the dem establishment and they decide o take her down.

  2. Yeah … dumb … like that Seminary School Dropout and that failed Vienna artist.

    The measure of her “dumbness” isn’t her (obvious) stupidity, but the stupidity of those who voted for her – and by that light, she’s a fukkin genius.

    Just as:
    “In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is King.”
    “In the land of the imbeciles, the moron is Queen.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. ^^^ I beg to differ…neither Stalin nor Hitler were dumb. They were evil…both were Socialists. This bint is simply the fruit of her education/indoctrination, which makes her dumb.

  4. AOC is not dumb. Dumb would infer that she is ignorant.

    AOC is not smart either. Her command of facts and simple rules of economics is pitiful.

    What AOC is can be described as a ‘True Believer’. She actually believes that her ideas about socialist policies will work and that socialism is the ONLY POLITICAL SYSTEM that we should have.

    Throughout history, many leaders came to pass who were not brilliant or capable intellectually but were instead, devout believers in their political ambitions and who couched their lust for power with illusions of fair government for the people. The list of those who succeeded at doing this is known to all who have a smattering of history knowledge.

    Lenin; Mussolini; Hitler; Mao; Tito; Pol Pot; and a myriad of other leaders who best common descriptor would be tyrant. AOC has the same egocentric belief in what she thinks as these examples do.

  5. She’s 28, her best assets are going south. She has maybe a decade to take advantage of them…..There has to be some naked pictures of her out there just like Obama’s mama…..

  6. Lack of intelligence is a mandatory criteria to run as a democrat or RINO.
    No surprises here.
    If you ever question your intelligence watch C-span airing of congressional hearings or debates. You will be pleased with your intelligence, but heartbroken these brain dead legislators are making decisions that impact your finances, life & liberty.

  7. Ocasio-Cortez is not dumb. She is telling her constituents what they want to hear – global warming will destroy the planet in 12 years, the government can care for all people, life will be easy-peasy if you just let Congress and progressives run everything. She does follow an economic theory – Modern Monetary Theory – which has as a bedrock principle that money (and wealth) all belongs to the government. She wants power, the more the better, and she promises to use it wisely if elected. And if you are an elitist, which many leftists are, she intimates that she is willing to let you into the ruling circle – which she won’t.

    All of this sounds good. Money for nothing, and chicks for free. The leftists already in the heirarchy are all for this because they stand to benefit. The MSM is all for this because they stand to gain. And the big business people are on board because they stand to get richer and more powerful. Everyone else, which is most of us, will get fucked because this is what socialism does.

    People hear what they want to hear. They want to hear that Ocasio-Cortez will provide rainbows and unicorns. They don’t want to hear that Ocasio-Cortez is lying about her “facts,” so she doesn’t bother to apologize for them because the apology or correction would hurt her standing. She knows what Josef Goebbles knew – if you make your lies big enough and repeat them constantly, they become the truth. This is how socialism/communism/dictatorships come to power, and stay in power until they crash and burn.

  8. No. She’s not stupid. She’s ill-educated. Ignorant. And opportunistic. A friggin’ child with a big mouth.

    “Stupid” are the voters in her district who elected her.

  9. I would argue Sheila Jackson Lee is the dumbest person in congress. Along with that, one who holds contempt for those she supposedly represents. Delusional, stupid, ugly in body and soul… I really can’t understand why she keeps being reelected in Texas. So much of an embarrassment, I can’t stand to continue watching her speak after the first idiotic thing that comes out of her mouth.

  10. Socialism was the main teaching of Russia and Germany.
    The only problem is socialism has never worked, anywhere that it has been tried. Canada was trying to get rid of it before the boy wonder took over.

  11. There are some comments on here that truly describe how strong she really is. Yes she is propped up by the media. Yes she is clueless, about reality. But she is clearly well versed in the propaganda put out by the PSSC (progressive, sjw, socialist, communist (but I repeat myself)) and guess wha’s All the millennial have been taught this and all the kids younger are being taught this too! So they are hearing truth and those who know history are telling lies, because that’s what they learned in school for God’s sake. If you watch Yuri Bezmanov and his video on how to subvert a country….from the 1980’s you’ll find terms that are common vernacular today, but we never heard until 10 years ago.

    there is clearly a plan and they are rolling it out. She was chosen, just like former President Obama, she is a very skilled propagandist, very skilled….truth doesn’t matter to them.

    Great videos Mark….great videos, thanks.


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