Mark Dice- The Left Hallucinates Passages in Ukraine Phone Transcripts – IOTW Report

Mark Dice- The Left Hallucinates Passages in Ukraine Phone Transcripts

4 Comments on Mark Dice- The Left Hallucinates Passages in Ukraine Phone Transcripts

  1. Those aren’t hallucinations. The Dems are accustomed to huge blocks of black to work with, and now their blocks are missing. They’re feeling the sensation of phantom redactions. It’s so real, it’s like they were still there.

  2. I believe that the Dems. themselves should be investigated. The lies equaling slander, a soft coup, and high treason to this country by opening the borders, leeching money from US citizens to support the invaders from the south, and other countries, Africa, India and every third world country looking for a handout for life.

  3. i think i can see their point tho. it might seem to be a soft strong arm by him asking if the usa has been good to ukraine and then going into biden. he shoulda waited until after the election, esp since dementia joe is not gonna be the candidate. :/ as for who in the wh tried to hide it, they did him no favors, which could have been the intent.


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