Mark Dice: The Left Whines- “Why Are Trump Supporters Allowed To Make Money Off of JFK’s Image!!???” – IOTW Report

Mark Dice: The Left Whines- “Why Are Trump Supporters Allowed To Make Money Off of JFK’s Image!!???”

14 Comments on Mark Dice: The Left Whines- “Why Are Trump Supporters Allowed To Make Money Off of JFK’s Image!!???”

  1. Who would you rather have yell at you, AOC or Mark Dice?

    There is a thing, they invented it quite some time ago. It was featured in the movie Spinal Tap, which as far as I know, is well over 30 years old.

    It’s was called a knob back then, but advancements in technology it may now be more appropriately be called a slider or a button or a control.

    I can’t quite recall what they named it decades ago, but it makes noises quieter or louder depending upon which direction you move the device.

  2. Well if people are allowed to make money killing babies and selling their body parts, why would there be an issue with selling an image on a T-shirt?

    Think first, progtards.

  3. Yeah, Mark. Where’s your FDR T-shirt? What’s the (New) deal?
    Are you shunning him ’cause he’s a cripple? A Communist? A Collusionist with Stalin?
    He married his fugly cousin, for chrissakes; give him a break!

  4. And in this corner! Or is it the used car commercial.
    The bounce and the fake intensity reminds me of how hard Robert Francis O’Rourke works to look alive. Mark, we listen for your content, the vain-popping cardio is not necessary and gets really annoying.

  5. Ordered my Fake News and Russian Bot shirts yesterday added to my Triggered NPC…gunna get Dog Life Trump and Washington next month..on a budget or i’d buy them all YOU ROCK DICE!

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