Mark Levin: Baltimore prosecutor is a HACK and a DISGRACE – IOTW Report

Mark Levin: Baltimore prosecutor is a HACK and a DISGRACE

TRS: Mark Levin opened his show tonight with blistering analysis of the announced prosecutions of Baltimore police officers, saying it all amounts to mob rule. He points out that the prosecutor, who brought the charges today against the six officers involved in Freddie Gray’s arrest, based these charges on a complaint as the investigations aren’t even completed yet. Further, he said that some of these charges are utterly absurd and that this prosecution is all about politics.

Levin says this prosecutor a hack and a disgrace and calls into question whether she should even be prosecuting this case.

Listen @ The Right Scoop.


10 Comments on Mark Levin: Baltimore prosecutor is a HACK and a DISGRACE

  1. Hi Ho Hi Ho
    It’s off to trial we go.

    Just think of the next round of riots when the jury acquits them.

    It’s the dems urban cottage industry. And don’t forget that there’s another round of federal grants for their buds when they have to rebuild all over again.

  2. Can’t wait until Judge Jeanine–a former prosecutor herself–weighs in on the matter.

    I have to tell you that as a person who has spent half of the past decade sitting in a courtroom seven hours a day, I was stunned by the charges. You can allege anything you want, but to prevail in court you must PROVE your allegations. I’m not even an attorney and can tell these charges are horseshit.

  3. Sharpton is the emissary of the White House. A national (gestapo) police force is the next item in the fundamental transformation. Demonizing the local police is a step in that direction with “Home Land Security” as the vehicle. They are rushing the charges against the Baltimore cops because Obama is in a hurry these days.

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  1. Audio: Mark Levin Says Baltimore Prosecutor Is A HACK And A DISGRACE – Conservative Hideout 2.0

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