Mark Levin Declares War On Jerry “pompous A$$” Nadler – IOTW Report

Mark Levin Declares War On Jerry “pompous A$$” Nadler

If representative Jerry Nadler thought his press conference on Friday declaring the continuation of democrat efforts to remove the president would be well received, he should have tuned in to Mark Levin’s radio program that evening.

The well spoken radio commentator and best-selling author is usually able to control his anger to the latest stunt from the political left, not this time. Levin unloads on Nadler with the fire selector set on full auto. Here


20 Comments on Mark Levin Declares War On Jerry “pompous A$$” Nadler

  1. Ugh. On a related topic, I am in a hotel having breakfast. The only table was right next to a tv, so I ate breakfast with George Stephanopoulos interviewing Bill DeBlasio.

    Maybe it’s the hotel’s way of saving money on food. Now I am hearing about all the allegations in the Mueller report.

  2. I wish Levins rants could be turned into something productive. We all scream and rant that nadler’s a pompous asshole but where does that get us? Does he ever get invited to hearings?
    We’re like thousands of trees falling in the forest that nobody hears.

  3. Now Russia is colluding with Google to influence the election against Democrats.

    And McConnell being against the let’ s protect the Democrats election integrity bill would have been like the US Senate ignoring the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

    Lord help me.

  4. Moe Tom sent me a very nice picture on the nattily dressed Nadler. I’m sure most have seen it with his seventeen year ago belt cinched up to the side.

    When was the last time the man saw his penis with out a mirror?

  5. My FB friends have been spectacularly unhinged this weekend. Hateful FB anti-Trump memes a’poppin! Was it the Mueller face plant? The Squad comments? Baltimore tweets? Whatever it was,Trump has them lit up like it’s the day after the election. So funny! And they are all on a 30 day snooze now because- enough already!

  6. I’m somewhat amazed that people as ugly and stupid as pus-faced Nadler and bug-eyed pencil neck geek Schiff want to appear before cameras and microphones constantly as they do.

  7. Animal House is on right now on Sundance TV. Nadler’s head is like a giant zit à la the one Belushi popped in the cafeteria scene. Hope no one is eating right now.

  8. Anymouse JULY 28, 2019 AT 12:58 PM
    “When was the last time the man saw his penis with out a mirror?”

    …perhaps he can go visit it in its resting place in a cooler in Arizona, since I’m quite sure he had to give it up in exchange for being permitted to be a White Man in the modern Democrat party…

    …that’s why he’s SO angry when confronted with a man who ISN’T a gelding like our President, it just reminds him of what he no longer has…

  9. Tony R JULY 28, 2019 AT 3:28 PM
    I find Jerry Nadler to be odious, abhorrent and insegrevious.

    The reason I love all these fourteen dollar words is I
    only have a nickel brain. It’s like going back to the Reader’s Digest of the 50’s when I think they had something called “Word Power” or some such. Ignored that one and went right to the “Humor In Uniform” or “Laughter Is The Best Medicine” or the like.

  10. I ran across an old article discussing his gastro bypass surgery. It said he was 5’4” and arose 328 pounds prior to surgery. He needs to go to some more buffets and get back to his prime weight to fill in the flabby skin.

  11. speaking of ‘Batman’, Jerry Waddler* looks just like Burgess Meredith as The Penguin … Wahhh, wahhh, wahhh

    (actually ‘The Penguin’ is a great nick for Waddler)

    * ex-senator Al D’Amato gave him that nick


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