MARK LEVIN: Trump’s Comments On Health Care Were OUTSTANDING! “He’s Playing Long Ball” – IOTW Report

MARK LEVIN: Trump’s Comments On Health Care Were OUTSTANDING! “He’s Playing Long Ball”

Via Daily Rushbo

14 Comments on MARK LEVIN: Trump’s Comments On Health Care Were OUTSTANDING! “He’s Playing Long Ball”

  1. All the Libs are dancing around the bonfire, cackling about what a great defeat the rejection of Ryan’s bill was for Trump.

    All I have to say is “Laugh, clowns, laugh.”


  2. Yeah, let it explode. Then, the Democrats can propose single payer and by that time, the U.S. Government will shut down because it can’t pay its bills and many States will go bust.

  3. A couple thoughts. There’s a lot of talk about how he wanted to Tax Cuts and at the last minute decided to do Health Care. Health Care had to come first do to the clock ticking on Reconciliation. It’s up in May for health care. The logical Bill or Legislation to pursue first was Health Care for the simple reason if it failed, as it did, in 22 months or so it will implode anyway. So it was a great piece of legislation to try and push through for a heat check. Trump’s a fast learner. He gained a ton of knowledge out of this little exercise and potentially Ryan will be removed as speaker. I do believe he wanted to push through this legislation but it’s still a win, win, win, for Trump. He’s not playing long ball he’s still playing 3d chess. Levin is out of his league trying to second guess Trump.

  4. Trump wants to get input from the left? The morons who think Cuba has a great healthcare system? It’d be like playing a board game with Kim Jong-un.

  5. Great twofer for Trump. O-care is all dem and they own it. I don’t believe he wanted a win, this will be a tire around their neck (great job MJA).
    And the Wisconsin Weasel has to eat a shit sandwich.
    A great day.

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