Mark Levin: Volume 2 of the Mueller report is a 200-page op-ed that should never have been written – IOTW Report

Mark Levin: Volume 2 of the Mueller report is a 200-page op-ed that should never have been written

h/t Patriot Retort

4 Comments on Mark Levin: Volume 2 of the Mueller report is a 200-page op-ed that should never have been written

  1. Mueller is not a prosecutor he is a persecutor. There is a big difference.

    Interesting coincidence that the perssecutor’s report came out on holy week– the commemoration of another famous persecution.

  2. The looks on Fox and Friends hosts faces was priceless when Mark didn’t line up with their 4AM Talking Points. Mark told them the truth they wouldn’t say themselves (or Fox wouldn’t let them say)


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