Mark Meadows: Let’s Stay in Congress Past Christmas to Get Wall Funding – IOTW Report

Mark Meadows: Let’s Stay in Congress Past Christmas to Get Wall Funding


House Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) told reporters on Monday that he remains willing to stay past Christmas to get President Donald Trump’s requested $5 billion in border wall funding.

Meadows told reporters that he does not think Democrats will give into Trump’s demands to give him his requested $5 billion in wall funding.

Meadows said he is “not very optimistic that Democrats are going to yield in providing $5billion in Wall funding.”

Trump has threatened to shut down the government if Congress does not give him his requested five billion dollars in wall funding in the December spending bill; if the government does not pass a spending bill before December 21, the government will partially shut down.

The North Carolina conservative also opposed a potential short-term spending bill that punts the wall funding fight to January, when Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will likely become the new speaker of the House.

“What makes January any better than December 21st? I’m willing to stay here through Christmas to get it done right on behalf of the American people,” Meadows said. “And we continue to punt. This is not to anybody’s surprise.”  more here

10 Comments on Mark Meadows: Let’s Stay in Congress Past Christmas to Get Wall Funding

  1. I hope Trump’s plan B works.
    The lame duck RINOs have already left DC never to return.

    This shit has to stop one way or another. We can’t tolerate waiting and hoping for two more years.

  2. I can’t see what Sarah Sanders said means Trump’s waffling. I hope he doesn’t. But he’s genius enough to know the political fallout if he does bend over for Schmuck and Nancy.

  3. Meadows may be willing to stay, but he and the Freedom caucus are outnumbered by traitors to the people’s mandate when we elected POTUS Trump. So keep praying, because that’s the only way we win this.

  4. The GOP members that don’t stay or at least offer to will likely be asked some pretty hard questions. The majority of Americans want the wall and will be pretty miffed at their GOP rep for sluffing the last chance before the Dems took over the House.

  5. I’m conflicted on Meadows. And the entire Republican legislature. We handed you mother fuckers majorities in the house and senate and won the presidency.

    As Hank Williams would say, they’re just in time to be too late.

    We are tax slaves, ruled by a Mafia.

  6. “Mark Meadows: Let’s Stay in Congress Past Christmas to Get Wall Funding”

    No. All of you go home. Talk to your constituents. Stay there about six months and don’t take any calls from K Street.

    Quit passing legislation. We have enough now that nobody knows what is actually the law, much less the regulations that outweigh the laws you guys pass by a hundred to one. And I’m being WAY conservative on that one.

    So, just slow ball things for the next couple of decades. Go spend some time with your family. I’m sure they’ll be glad to see you.


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