Mark Meadows on Dems’ Ludicrous Impeachment Charges – IOTW Report

Mark Meadows on Dems’ Ludicrous Impeachment Charges

The House Democrats’ impeachment report is 300 pages of nonsense, with far too many problems to address individually. But let’s go over a few of them…

So again, for the entire reason we’re here—the accusation that President Trump tied aid and political investigations—Gordon Sondland, one of the Democrats’ most featured witnesses (cited 600+ times), admits he has no evidence of it. That is stunning.

4) But it wasn’t just Sondland. No Democrat witness brought any firsthand knowledge of Trump decisions. Taylor, Kent, Yovanovitch, Vindman, Hill, etc. None. Not one could provide any firsthand information of Trump tying aid to political investigations.

5) Ambassador Volker shredded the Democrats’ case, and they ignored it. Remember: Volker said @realDonaldTrump never told him of an aid/political investigations link, and Ukraine never mentioned it either. Mind you, Volker actually spoke to POTUS. He had firsthand knowledge.

Tim Morrison confirmed Volker’s account. In other words, these Democrat-led impeachment hearings were one career bureaucrat after another saying (without evidence) they “believed” there was a political quid pro quo – while officials in the room say it never happened.

6) Between July 18 (when aid got paused) and Sept 11 (when aid was released), there were 5 interactions between President Zelensky and U.S. officials. A link between aid/investigations was discussed in ZERO of those interactions. 0/5. The Democrat report virtually ignores this.

Here are those 5 interactions, if you’re curious. 7/25: Trump/Zelensky phone call 7/26: Volker & Taylor meet Zelensky 8/27: Bolton meets Zelensky 9/1: VP Pence meets Zelensky 9/5: Sens. Johnson, Murphy meet Zelensky Not *one time* was an aid/investigation link discussed.

To recap: A) There was no “demand” B) No Democrat witness had any firsthand evidence of an aid/political investigations link C) Multiple witnesses who spoke to POTUS say: there was no political link D) A political link didn’t come up once in FIVE U.S.-Zelensky interactions.

Bottom line: Democrats can write what they want, but they can’t provide any serious evidence supporting this latest conspiracy theory. And they know it. This Democrat impeachment effort is (and will continue to be) baseless and nakedly partisan. Americans will see through it.337 replies1,635 retweets4,304 likesReply 337 Retweet 1.6K Like 4.3K

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4 Comments on Mark Meadows on Dems’ Ludicrous Impeachment Charges

  1. “Vindman eventually admits: “I guess you can interpret it in different ways.””

    An evasive answer that avoids a direct (truthful) one.

    A common tactic of the Left and an increasing number of the Leftist agenda driven on the Right.

    Alinsky in practice, by those on both sides now.

  2. Think about this whole debacle from this perspective:
    If this wasn’t about “getting Trump” and all these witnesses were sincere about their allegations, what does that say about their competence in their critical diplomatic roles? That is frightening! Bumbling like this could lead to wars!
    But we all know this WAS about “getting Trump”. The fact that they put politics above their critical diplomatic roles should be justification for dismissal without pay and pension at the very least, but indictments for treason should be the correct route for the sake of protecting this republic in this dangerous period in history.


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