Mark Ruffalo: Obama ‘Almost Worse Than Climate Change Deniers’ – IOTW Report

Mark Ruffalo: Obama ‘Almost Worse Than Climate Change Deniers’


BigHollywood: Actor and environmental activist Mark Ruffalo believes President Obama could do a lot more on climate change.

The Avengers star has signed on to executive produce and narrate a new documentary,Dear President Obama, that will challenge the president’s record on climate change and environmental policy, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Obama and California Gov. Jerry Brown are “almost worse than climate change deniers,” Ruffalo told THR, adding:

They are not honest in another way that’s much more harmful to us. They are taking the political will that we need to make these changes and they are dulling the knife edge of it. They are making people go to sleep. They are making people think that dealing with climate change is being taken care of. In fact, renewable energy is going to be useless if we pull all of this carbon out of the ground and burn it.

The documentary will reportedly explore the methods the United States can use to transition to renewable energy as well as the negative effects of hydro-fracking and global warming.  read more

27 Comments on Mark Ruffalo: Obama ‘Almost Worse Than Climate Change Deniers’

  1. Mark Ruffalo is pretty popular nowadays. I remember just a few weeks ago seeing all these kids in their Bruce Banner costumes… oh wait. I’m thinking of The Hulk. Mark Ruffalo doesn’t become popular until he transforms into something that in no way resembles him.

  2. It’s alright to like stupid people.

    Like my little sister in law who says jet contrails are really chemical waste the airlines are paid to get rid of. And Katrina doing so much damage because we caused the land to sink by pumping out the oil

    But other than being terminally stupid, she’s likable enough.

  3. Don’t know who he is, but I am grateful for whoever kicked him in the shin..
    I have no problem with a lot of the noises he makes (it reminds me of forest Monkeys) . I do however take umbrage at the term: “Almost Worse”
    Wouldn’t almost worse be better defined as exactly as bad?

  4. The only ones worried about man made climate change are those making money out of it. Algore , a shit load of phony scientists, green energy nuts, and obama. He’s due for a high paying position within that culture when he leaves the WH I’ll wager.
    The latest angle they are pushing is that man made climate change causes crime and terrorism. And hives, WTF!

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