Mark Steyn Fires Back At Leftist Hyperbole Following The Storming Of The Capitol – IOTW Report

Mark Steyn Fires Back At Leftist Hyperbole Following The Storming Of The Capitol


Conservative author and commentator Mark Steyn addressed on his website Thursday what he sees as the overwhelming hypocrisy and “sanctimonious drivel” of the continued media coverage of the chaos at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

In his trademark acutely witty manner, Steyn observed the high moralistic tone of many in the political class and their allies in the media judging the events of the violence at “the people’s house,” particularly those who stood “on the Capitol’s dignity”:

The media may be sentimental about the Capitol, but in my unscientific survey of my North Country neighbors the people aren’t. Congress has an approval rating that falls somewhere between Isis and child pornographers. Pundits and politicians can wax mawkish about “the people’s house” but you’d be hard-pressed to find one in a thousand citizens who’s ever used those words in a non-contemptuous sense – and most of the other 999 would assume that the phrase referred to some long-term care facility Andrew Cuomo moves the old folks into for his Covid express checkout.


8 Comments on Mark Steyn Fires Back At Leftist Hyperbole Following The Storming Of The Capitol

  1. I like Mark Steyn a lot. In fact if some one takes over for Rush after his eventual demise I would think it should be Mark Steyn. However, Steyn was filling in for Rush earlier this week and a militia member called in and expressed his view of where we were headed, a hot war, and Steyn went off on him. No room for violence, yada yada yada. But then again he is British.

  2. “The Peoples’ House”…I have never heard that phrase in reference to the Capitol. However, I have heard Communist China called “The Peoples’ Republic of China”. And I believe that North Korea is officially referred to as the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”. So I can understand why the leftist drones might get the warm fuzzies thinking about “The Peoples’ House” in DC.

    Leftism brings out the most overwrought, turgid prose in it’s devout adherents. It’s hard to take them seriously.

  3. And again I ask…Where is Hillary? This is her moment as much as any if them. Hell, she started all of this. I’m concerned, in a troll-like way, about her well-being right now.


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