Mark Zuckerberg’s 2019 Resolution: More Political Censorship on Facebook – IOTW Report

Mark Zuckerberg’s 2019 Resolution: More Political Censorship on Facebook

Breitbart: Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg promised to better prevent “election interference” and “the spread of hate speech” — neglecting to define either term — in a blog posted on his company’s platform.

Zuckerberg repeated his previous calls to suppress “sensationalism and misinformation” and to “remove content related to terrorism,” terms he did not define. He also committed to promoting “news from trusted sources,” which he did not list.

“We’ve partnered with fact-checkers in countries around the world to identify misinformation and reduce its distribution,” wrote Zuckerberg. He did not list the “fact-checkers” Facebook partnered with or explain the methodology behind their selections.

Zuckerberg opted against making any mention of free speech, expression, or the First Amendment in his post.

A set of Facebook’s internal guidelines for political censorship — 1,400 pages in length — was leaked this week.

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15 Comments on Mark Zuckerberg’s 2019 Resolution: More Political Censorship on Facebook

  1. So this childish little shit is
    “the gate keeper” of the 1st amendment,truth
    and hate speech.Just lovely… When do we put
    on our “yellow vests”.

  2. He means any facts that would interfere in the election of a democrat. And hate speech is anything a progressive doesn’t want to hear. But the leftists can do anything they want without consequences.


    So this childish little shit is “the gate keeper” of the 1st amendment, truth and hate speech.Just lovely… When do we put on our “yellow vests”.

    Here’s an idle thought…I wonder if a whole yellow vest would fit in Zuk’s trachea? I’m pretty sure one would fit in his rectum, but I’m not sure about that windpipe.

  4. Has he been assigned a Senate Office Phone number yet?
    Must have.
    Wanna be one of the first official Senate telephone calls, recorded of course, to tell him what a piece of shit he is.

    And what FLAG info will be released that destroys him, or his Church. One of them is going down. Both if America is lucky.


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