Marrying Sex Robots – IOTW Report

Marrying Sex Robots

What does marriage mean anymore?

The left is busy trying to redefine it as anything and everything, lest a man and a woman enter into holy matrimony.

ht/ js

10 Comments on Marrying Sex Robots

  1. So… Is having sex with an ultra-realistic robot hooker cheating? –

    For my own part, yes and no. Do I look at that old robot on ‘Lost In Space’ waving its tentacular arms around and get all hot and bothered? No. Not hardly. Now when I look at the image of Jeri Ryan playing the infamous borg, Seven-of-Nine on Star Trek Voyager? You better believe it! Just don’t tell my wife!

  2. After having gotten a taste of family court in FL, the robot does offer advantages. They would likely be as warm as my ex, the divorce would be a trip to the garbage can, you can shut them off, they don’t nag, everything suddenly becomes good enough………….Stop me if you’ve heard this before………….

  3. The Left is sick beyond measure. They celebrate every perversion. Examples include homosexuality, pedophilia, polygamy, abortion, euthanasia, and now sex toys over humans.

    This is the rise in sin predicted at the end of the times. The voters for the Hldabeast showed zero moral discernment. Their blindness regarding the evil anti-Christ false cult of islam over the truth of Christianity confirms their dreadful eternal fate.

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