Mars likely to have enough oxygen to support Democrats – IOTW Report

Mars likely to have enough oxygen to support Democrats

All Too Much sent in this report, which he maintains is proof that democrats can survive on Mars.


Salty water just below the surface of Mars could hold enough oxygen to support the kind of microbial life that emerged and flourished on Earth billions of years ago, researchers reported Monday.

In some locations, the amount of oxygen available could even keep alive a primitive, multicellular animal such as a sponge, they reported in the journal Nature Geosciences.

“We discovered that brines” — water with high concentrations of salt — “on Mars can contain enough oxygen for microbes to breathe,” said lead author Vlada Stamenkovic, a theoretical physicist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.

“This fully revolutionizes our understanding of the potential for life on Mars, today and in the past,” he told AFP.

Up to now, it had been assumed that the trace amounts of oxygen on Mars were insufficient to sustain even microbial life.


I think he’s right.

7 Comments on Mars likely to have enough oxygen to support Democrats

  1. Going to Mars with humans is a farce…

    90% of the the technology needed doesn’t exist. The radiation exposure is enough to kill humans before they get there.

    Any talk of starting settlements is pure fantasy….and insanity.

    But, it makes lo-fo’s dream.

  2. Put up a list for leftists who believe the world will perish from overpopulation. Have them sign up for the first manned flights to Mars…advertise it as helping save the planet. Everyone wins.

  3. I understand there are close to 10,000 people marching towards our southern border at this very minute, who wish to volunteer to be shot into space…we’re going to need a bigger rocket.


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