Marsha Blackburn a ‘Terrorist’ ? – IOTW Report

Marsha Blackburn a ‘Terrorist’ ?

Breitbart Tech: A senior software engineer at Google with responsibility for a key feature of Google’s search engine labeled Tennessee Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) a “violent thug” and a “terrorist,” who Google shouldn’t “negotiate” with, according to internal emails obtained by Breitbart News. The employee also defended the censorship of her campaign ads on social media.

The comments took place in an internal email discussion that began on June 19 this year. The topic of discussion was Rep. Blackburn’s Fox News op-ed of the same month, which urged Silicon Valley companies to address bias against conservatives on their platforms. Blackburn, who has herself been the target of social media censorship, has been a vocal critic of tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Twitter during her time in Congress.  more

9 Comments on Marsha Blackburn a ‘Terrorist’ ?

  1. The whole trend is socialists must be believed, must be obeyed and must not be prosecuted no matter what they do. Their actions are for some moral purpose beyond our comprehension. Just like Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and Mao’s China it is absolute power and the republicans are letting this happen by going along with it.

  2. it’s War …
    if you speak up … you’re a terrorist … an ‘Enemy of the People & the State’
    if you voice concern … you’re a terrorist … an ‘Enemy of the People & the State’
    if you object in any way … you’re a terrorist … an ‘Enemy of the People & the State’
    if you question … you’re a terrorist … an ‘Enemy of the People & the State’
    if you criticize … you’re a terrorist … an ‘Enemy of the People & the State’
    if you don’t conform … you’re a terrorist … an ‘Enemy of the People & the State’

    you must be vilified, castigated, shamed, ostracized, condemned, even your family must be destroyed & punished to the severest degree … you are the ‘Enemy of the People & the State’

    witness today’s Communist/Socialists in action … unless we act (& I don’t have much hope after Trump’s term is over) we are doomed to repeat the purges of Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Pol Pot’s Cambodia & Mao’s China all over again

    … the banshees, harpies, witches of the democRats will be rejoicing & burning people in the streets … the French Revolution will pale in comparison

  3. Wow, way too much credit given. by who? Never laid assholes accusing this sick psychopath? Run any list you want, she would only be so lucky being trolled by trolls. Sound familiar? Please they need to grow up, and so do you!

  4. @Radio…man ~ always favored the 7.92 & the Springfield Trapdoor 45-70 myself (just a lot of fun to shot), though they usually just drive a big old hole, designed to wound, unless hitting vital organs
    … gotta admire the way the lesser calibers tumble around when they hit body mass

  5. If you don’t think these techno-authoritarians are keeping secret files on every man, woman and child in this country, you are deluding yourself.

    You do what they do and it’s called stalking. They think it’s not stalking because you agreed to a 20,000 word EULA to use your Samsung device.

  6. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ October 2, 2018 at 9:12 pm

    Ann Coulter has a great account of the terrible French Revolution in one of her books. It enlightened me and made me want to learn more about it. That is coming by reading Simon Schama’s book, Citizen, a long slog at 875 pages, but should be worth it. From what I have read about the book, Schama was no fan of the revolutionaries.


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