Marx’s Tomb Vandalized For Second Time This Month – IOTW Report

Marx’s Tomb Vandalized For Second Time This Month


“The paint was still fresh on Saturday morning,” Ian Dungavell, chief executive of Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust, told in a telephone interview from London. The Trust maintains the 180-year-old cemetery where the tomb is located.

“It is a senseless physical attack,” Dungavell added. “I think regardless of what you think of Marx’s ideology, it’s actually upsetting to see people cause physical destruction.”

Marx’s tomb, however, has been a repeat target for vandals since it was unveiled in 1956, even being bombed in the 1970s. More

17 Comments on Marx’s Tomb Vandalized For Second Time This Month

  1. …Marx’s tomb wasn’t the ONLY thing that got bombed in the ’70’s, we’re STILL dealing with all the HIPPIES that did, except you calk them “congresspersons” now…

  2. If they didn’t make the monument such a “stick in your eye” level, gaudy, over-glorification of a man who caused such abject poverty, misery and horror at a global level…maybe it wouldn’t get vandalized so much…

  3. Is it actually vandalism if the person wrote facts about the destructive nature of the dead commie? I don’t think so. I liked how red paint was used; an appropriate touch considering all the bloodshed which resulted from his ideology.

    I saw that ugly thing when I walked through Highgate. The temptation…

  4. @ Tim Buktu – Right on 100%, can someone please call Andy Cuomo and tell him this?

    I agree with the ‘keep it there and put a plaque with the opposite position RIGHT next to it’ solution, public art only.

    Churchill and FDR were vandalized in London three weeks ago btw.

    I know where Sanger is buried (hint Albany), I am tempted to piss away, but my value system tells me its WRONG to desecrate.


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