Maryland: 19 attorneys general oppose opt-out option from LGBTQ+ books for 2nd graders – IOTW Report

Maryland: 19 attorneys general oppose opt-out option from LGBTQ+ books for 2nd graders

(The Center Square) – A coalition of 19 attorneys general filed an amicus brief in support of a local Maryland board of education’s policy that does not allow parents to opt their children out of LGBTQ+ inclusive texts. The lawsuit was filed by three families against the Montgomery County Board of Education, with two of the three families suing on behalf of policies for their second grade children, while the third did not list the grade level of its elementary school children. The parents, who are Muslim, Roman Catholic, and Ukrainian Orthodox, filed their lawsuit on religious freedom grounds. 

In the initial ruling from a federal judge, the parents’ lawsuit was struck down, with the judge claiming the required reading of the books would not result in the “indoctrination of their children” or “coerce their children to violate or change their religious beliefs.”

In their lawsuit, they cited situations in the the books My Rainbow, about a mother who creates a rainbow-colored wig for her transgender child, and Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope, a book about “an elementary-aged child who experiences triumphs and frustrations in convincing others what the child knows to be true—that he’s a boy, not a girl,” as going against their faiths. 

According to religious liberties law firm Becket, these books “portray elementary school age children falling in love with other children, regardless of sexual preferences,” and include terms like “intersex flag,” “[drag] king,” “platform shoes,” “lip ring” and “leather” among word lists children can match to images. more

20 Comments on Maryland: 19 attorneys general oppose opt-out option from LGBTQ+ books for 2nd graders

  1. If the parents aren’t allowed to opt-out of the grooming and confused gender propaganda and indoctrination, then I guess the people (school board and administration, teachers, NEA, MEA, lawyers, judges, et al) pushing this anti-family anti-religious hot mess can’t opt-out of the throat punches and other physical abuses that (hopefully) should soon befall them.
    Anyone taking notes on who’s who at the zoo? Gathering recon, addresses, cars & license plates, daily routines……

  2. Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century where the tail wags the dog and the mentally ill misfits from the Island of Busted-Ass Toys are large, in charge and comin’ after our kids!!
    The pendulum will eventually swing the other way and it won’t be pretty!

  3. If parents in these liberal run perverse areas would communicate to the school boards that until sanity returns, they’d not be sending their children to school things would change. I understand the hardships and logistics of doing so but until the people do something nothing will change. One major problem is that many simply do not care or are willing to put forth an effort. Many view schools as a baby sitting service. It should be obvious that voting will not help, only action.

  4. They have placed their own neck in the millstones. Fuck the bastards, they sealed their eternal fate, as has anyone who has had even the slightest involvement in any of this “trans” shit when it comes to kids.

  5. The 19 were NOT in those positions despite their being dedicated to serving Satan, they were in those positions because they could be depended on to advance the Satanist = Marxist = progressive agenda. Those are the facts and anyone who casts even a single legitimate vote for ANY Democrat is complicit. Knowingly complicit at this juncture.

  6. I pity the parents who have trouble just getting food on the table, but…pity or not, what is more important in your life than your child?

    You will not starve, though you may be ashamed to ask for help. Shame is not life ending. You may suffer, but it would be worth it to pull your child from these schools. You may lose your job to stay with your child, give up more than you realize to protect your child. But only your child really matters. And it will be worth any small thing you give up.


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