Maryland’s Potato Says Florida Parental Rights Bill Is ‘Absurd’ – IOTW Report

Maryland’s Potato Says Florida Parental Rights Bill Is ‘Absurd’

“I didn’t really actually see the details of the legislation…”

Townhall: Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan took shots at Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Sunday and called the Parental Rights in Education bill that DeSantis recently signed into law “absurd.”

During an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Hogan slammed DeSantis for his criticism of Disney over the company’s recent statement condemning the legislation. DeSantis has threatened to revoke Disney’s self-governing status in response to its condemnation of the bill.

“I didn’t really actually see the details of the legislation, but the whole thing seems like … just a crazy fight,” Hogan said.  more here

23 Comments on Maryland’s Potato Says Florida Parental Rights Bill Is ‘Absurd’

  1. “I didn’t read the bill” but I know it’s horrific and we wouldn’t allow that in Maryland.

    Of course no f/u q from the “interviewer”.
    I’ll bet she interrogates her husband if he leaves the toilet seat up, yet zero curiosity as to the contradictory statement by fathead.

  2. I didn’t really actually see the details of the legislation, the legislation isn’t the issue it’s the opposition. He’s a RINO and Rino’s are gonna oppose good solid conservatives because they are liberals at heart.

  3. Well, governor Dipwad, it is a “crazy bill” only in that this is even required to rein in the pedos that the school systems can’t seem to stop hiring.

  4. DeSantis has threatened to revoke Disney’s self-governing status in response to its condemnation of the bill.

    When you want to be left alone, to do your own thing, you need to keep out of other people’s business.

  5. Hogan: “I didn’t really actually see the details of the legislation”

    I think it was AOC who said she preferred to be morally right rather than factually right. Fucking morons.

  6. Quit dropping your drawers and bending over the table, Larry.
    Everybody gets it – you are a pernicious, un-American, pro-pervert, traitorous maggot, who sold his soul for a cup of rice.

    Pull up your pants and fade into oblivion.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It’s quite sad that it’s come to this but once you accept one form of perversion the Luciferians must up their game to even more heights of perversity.

    Queers are passe now, even boring. We must move on to trannies. Once they become boring and passe we are on to sex with children.

    If you don’t realize pedophilia is common place with Demonrats you are not paying attention.

    Human trafficking of little ones is through the roof, and an abundant supply of babies are pouring across the border.

    The Demonrats and more than a few elite Rinos are salivating at the end of T42.

    Our society is lost, sex with kids will be legal in 10 years.

    Impossible you say? We have a man who openly fondles little ones on video just laughing in our faces.

    You think it’s a coincidence his first wife deliberately drove into the path of a 18 wheeler with all her kids in the car?

    No mother on earth would do that except for a mother out of options. Better they all die and hang out in heaven verses allowing their father to continue molesting them.

    Impossible you say? Soon we will have a SC judge who will support every pedo that comes before her, has done so with every single one to this point, why stop now?

    We are nearing the end times in my opinion.

  8. I didn’t read the bill either. Does it mandate teaching kids about the dangers of sexual perverts in general and pedophiles in particular? Maybe it should with emphasis on what to look out for with regards to teachers and social workers.

    In reality, that stuff is best taught in the home. The henhouse is already full of foxes.

  9. @Al Bebak April 4, 2022 at 6:47 pm

    > I’m thinking a huge wild hog will recognize him as a member of the species and rapes the crap out of him.

    Then lie down on a railroad track. And wait for the shame to end.

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