Mask Exemption Card? – IOTW Report

Mask Exemption Card?

From Barnhardt

Wondering if this would suffice.

ht/ jd hasty

23 Comments on Mask Exemption Card?

  1. My wife works with/for many disabled people as an interpreter. She said, “huh. And they can’t ask me about it either.” Folded it up and put it in her pocket.

  2. The requirement to wear a mask will soon come to a constitutional challenge.

    In my own workplace (I work in a warehouse that is not air conditioned, and extremely hot and humid in the summer), wearing a mask is required. Under these conditions, it is also unbearable.

    Just as soon as the heat and humidity reach unbearable levels I will refuse to wear a mask, in violation of my company’s “policy”. While a private business can set whatever legal policies that they want to, I will soon find out how valuable of an employee I really am to them.

  3. I’m a little bummed. Every time I go into a store, I wait to see if they demand that I wear a mask. I carry one in my purse just for that purpose.

    It’s a pair of my old pantyhose. I showed my sisters and brother and they really did fall on the floor laughing (no, not really). So far, it has never been needed. Dang.

  4. Given the range of miscellaneous stuff that passes for a mask these days – I saw a guy in Walmart tie an extra shirt around his face to be let in the store – what could be their medical necessity? They seem more like an obedience thing than anything to do with stopping transmission of CV.

    BTW: I wonder who China will be supporting in the election.

  5. Make one out of cheesecloth.

    If the rules/dictates/ordinances that require you to wear one don’t state specifically what is to be used and not used, and most or all of them don’t.

  6. I have not been asked or told to wear a face mask, but I would just tell them I not only would be going elsewhere, I wouldn’t be coming back to their business ever.
    When a family member discovered I had went to a few restaurants, they asked if the employees were wearing masks, one place they were, the others no. She said, “they are supposed to have to.” I told her no they don’t have to, the state recommended it, but it did not mandate it. She said, “well in my town they said all employees at restaurants, salons and spas have to wear masks.” I told her that her town was ran by a bunch of idiot democrats, so not real surprising the same idiots who spent tens of thousands of dollars on benches for main street and ordered them installed facing the businesses, which btw looks totally ignorant and it also cut out half of the very limited parking on main street, would mandate masks. She said, “well they need to be forced to wear them they might make me sick.”
    My patience with stupid ended a long time ago, so I told her she was stupid, those masks are not going to protect her. I explained microns, viruses and masks to her and also explained the stupid handmade cloth masks growing bacteria. Also the fact that 99% of the people wearing masks don’t wear them correctly even if they would filter the virus and the masks make them touch the mask and their face more than if they didn’t have them on.

    She said, “I think everyone should be forced to wear and it’s stupid of the state to not force them, they make me feel safe.” I told her she could kiss my ass and should go live in a communist country if she thought for one damn minute I would wear a mask to make her dumbass feel safe. She said she just didn’t understand why I was so selfish and refuse to realize how deadly this is.
    So I asked if it was so deadly then how come I wasn’t sick? I have never stayed in the house, I have never worn a mask, never social distanced and more than once have been in large groups of people with none of us wearing masks. I have hugged friends’ kids, hug and kiss my grandkids every single day, have not used hand sanitizer and haven’t washed my hands anymore frequently than I ever do. I still scratch my nose if it itches, rub my eyes. Pretty much I’ve lived my life as normal as I have been able to and am still alive and kicking.
    She might not be once she leaves her house, because she orders her groceries and has them put in her car. She sprays the bags with lysol before touching them with her gloves, she removes her gloves after unloading her groceries on the table. Replaces her gloves, wipes her groceries off. Changes gloves again to put them up and then goes around wiping everything down with bleach that she touched. All the while with her mask on. When she does finally go back out into the real world she’s going to catch every bacteria and virus out there.

  7. Yesterday was the start of my 5th round of a 3 day chemo and immunotherapy round. I am the only one of the patients and employees who doesn’t wear a mask. Neener, neener, neener. I was offered a mask, have one in my purse, was given several home made masks, and could easily make my own.

    I made it clear 2 rounds ago that the masks, unless they were N 95s were worse than not wearing a mask. The hardest working of all the staff is the lovely Polish immigrant cleaning lady. She keeps the ship in great condition and the infusion facility has a great air filtration system.

    It’s pathetic seeing people, sitting in their recliners, hooked up to all our IV bags, non communicating to each other because of the masks. Before all thic KungFlu mask crap started, those who could walk around a bit, did so, dragging their IV racks with them, stopping to share knowing smiles and chit chat. I did, and it made me feel like the social director of Love Boat. Now it’s a morgue, and 4 hours drags and feels like a whole day.

    Someone at WQTH said they were making masks that said, WHAT’s THE POINT

  8. I couldn’t get into the hospital without a mask.
    A Harbor Freight-purchased dust mask.

    You’d think hospital staff would know better, but there you are.
    Everybody’s pretending, for some unknown reason.

    At WallyWorld there’s a plexiglass window between customer and pharmacist. IT DOESN’T GO ALL THE WAY TO THE WALL OR THE CEILING! Can’t hear each other, so the customer bends down and yells through the hole! Dumbest shit I’ve ever seen – and I’ve seen a lot of dumb shit (Hoyer, Stark, and Pelosi, for instance) – having worked on Capitol Hill for 3 decades.

    izlamo delenda est …


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