Masked men are attacking Moroccan gangs in Stockholm – IOTW Report

Masked men are attacking Moroccan gangs in Stockholm

Speisa: One did not have to be Nostradamus to see this coming. And most likely it will just escalate going forward. It is unfortunately an inevitable development caused by naive politicians.

vigilante groups fighting back against muslim criminals

A larger brawl broke out between masked vigilante groups and Moroccan gangs, who for some time have been accused of committing robberies and sexual offenses in central Stockholm, writes Fria Tider.

Police were alerted to the area around the central station and came to the scene equipped with riot gear.  MORE

27 Comments on Masked men are attacking Moroccan gangs in Stockholm

  1. It is unfortunately an inevitable development caused by naive politicians.

    *snort* OK, some of those pols may be naïve, but a fair number are malevolent, working to alter the nature of a society against the wishes and interests of its members.

  2. Gee Wally, Now everybody gets to live like a savage in their very own Third World Toilet!

    When the government won’t do anything… actually they have. They created the situation in the first place and this is the chaos they have cultivated in order to take over “for your own good”… of course!

  3. Ah, that confounded ‘Weapons Act’ Law; you know, the one that restricts free citizens from carrying anything to protect them selves or to actively and efficiently aggress with when trying to flush the toilet that their country has become. Heaven forbid anyone should be allowed to carry a weapon. I wonder if that in some/ way emboldens the sub-human swine known as ‘refugees’.

  4. That’s what happens when you pacify you’r population, they can’t fight back when they need to. The pols knew this all to well which is prime reason they’ve advocated for the abolition of firearms.

    In centuries past, if a pol advocated for an invasion, they would have been in prison awaiting their head detachment process.
    Ah… a progtard can never see to far into the future which is the reason we have so much distress around the globe.

  5. when government abdicates its role by allowing criminals to enter their country and when police are prevented from enforcing laws and protecting their citizens, citizens will act.

    Unfortunately in the US the government then labels individuals, law enforcement and other groups as islamophobic and attack those who choose to preserve our laws, way of life and values.

    Now that’s the hope & change obama delivered.

  6. Its the law of club and fang.

    I take responsibility for the law and order in a sphere around me that extends to the limit of my range of vision and hearing.
    Bitch slap your girlfriend where I can see it; I will make you swallow your keys.
    Kick a dog where I can see it, and you will rue the day you were born.
    Molest and terrorize women, old people, and anybody else where I can see and hear, and you will be a gibbering mass of stick welts.
    Go ahead run in your gangs, violate the peace near me, and I will show you and your swarthy brothers how easily a mob of cowards can be dispelled and routed by a man with real blood in his veins.

  7. People have always resorted to vigilantism when order has broken down, and the law cannot protect. Heck, MS13 started out as a group of Salvadorians trying to protect their own in LA in the late 1970s.

  8. The politicians who caused all this aren’t naive. They’re just fucking assholes who don’t give a fuck who gets hurt as long as they get the votes to win their next election and keep the taxpayer gravy train stopping in their station.

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