Maskholes – IOTW Report


18 Comments on Maskholes

  1. Where’s that turd W? You know, the guy who was actually President on 9/11. He should be there with all of his good friends whose political legacies took major hits on some other 9/11s. I guess that is something good which came from the catastrophe.

  2. amen, aleon. I have always thought the face diaper is literally just below a honking red clown nose in ridiculous facial accessories.

    And notice the farther back you get from the front row, the barer the faces are.

  3. Maybe I should permanently affix a red clown nose to my face mask just to show much of a stupid, clownish, worthless piece of useless cloth that it is. We’ve all become Bozo’s on a short bus about to take a sharp left turn off of a cliff just like a bunch of stupid lemmings.

  4. Actually CrazyLady you can blow the candles out with a mask on, lots of videos proving that. The Mask is a symbol of submission, like the Hijab it is submission to Satan.

  5. Masks are essential to condition the masses to be submissive and compliant. Then we publicly do not wear them to flaunt our superiority over you.

    There, fixed it.

  6. In looking at that top picture it occurred to me that since none of those people have a heart, their hands must be protecting their wallets to preserve their ill-gotten wealth.

  7. Look at that picture.
    They look like a bunch of selfish bored teenagers who are being forced to stand there with their hands over their hearts.
    I’m sure they’d rather take off to Obama’s estate for some debauchery and mocking Americans.


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