Biden chatting with a child during bill signing
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) November 18, 2021
"Meet me after this, I can show you around the White House.”
19 Comments on Maskless Creepy Joe Strokes Masked Child’s Face With His Bare Hand
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And everyone just stands there. AGAIN.
Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?
And that creepy skank VP leaning in…Who offered up that poor kid for sacrifice?
Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?
What bill was he signing? Did it have anything to do with children, or are they just mood-enhancers for the sicko now?
If you remember, he was warned about touching people back when he started his campaign. Because he actually said so, out loud, TWICE. So he’s willfully doing this.
He CAN follow directions, he just won’t.
Even the mentally ill can remember to wipe their own asses.
In a just world he would have his child strokers limbed to the nubs with a MS 271 Farm Boss
Want some candy? Can 6ou help me find my puppy?
MSNBC BANNED from Kenosha courtroom because reporter was following jury bus…
i didnt know we had a pedophile who shits his pants as president.
NOVEMBER 18, 2021 AT 12:10 PM
“In a just world he would have his child strokers limbed to the nubs with a MS 271 Farm Boss”
I looked that up. Nice, but overkill.
And WAY too fast.
…look, the bones of the elderly are brittle, the connective tissue weak, skin turgor poor, and the flesh is thin, particularly at the joints, as well as someone who doesn’t do physically demanding things having atrophied muscles and spaghetti for blood vessels.
So grab this fucking pedophile’s groping appendage and pull each finger back until you hear a snap and feel a release. If you’re lucky, it will fracture a phlange jagged and make it easier, but either way, revisit each finger with a firm grip of your own, and twist his disjointed/broken digits until each one tears loose. Don’t hurry from one finger to the next, pause between so some fading of pain keeps the intensity level up on the next one, as well as his anxious, physical apprehension of the next one being torn off.
You can take the pause to jam the ripped-off bony protruberance into whichever of his orifices you choose. Don’t worry if you get ancillary tearing if, say, a nostril proves too tight, he won’t live to use it again anyway. Use sharp broken bones to make new holes as needed, but do NOT obstruct BOTH nostrils as that would kill too quickly, and be mindful of bleeding conrtol for the same reason.
A vice could be applied at the radial or brachial artery for this purpose, but bear in mind that will cause a distal loss of sensation, so don’t do so until all the carpels have been denuded.
Use of a vice in this manner WILL limit available posture and access to some parts of The Pedophile, as you must bring him to the vice instead of the vice to him, so keep this consideration for further planned body modifications in mind as you do so.
As for where it goes from there, be creative, be imaginitive, and be as merciful to him as HE was to the children he raped.
But above all, have FUN!
…but remember your 3 S’es when done, if you didnt do anything lethal beforehand.
And wash up good, his blood is probably syphiliptic…
There is a creepier image of Harris pushing/offering the boy to Biden on CNN’S front page. Looks like she’ll do anything to get back in the Biden Whitehouse’s good graces. Either that or she wants to have more creepy biden stuff online in a revenge move. Either way, Ick.
This is why they want to call this “minor attracted person” instead of pedophile.
The fucking president* is one…
Oh, you mean the hands he always coughs into?
Stokes his arm, strokes his face, invites him to tour the Whitehouse with him. Not creepy at all except he will be stroking himself later.
Guess the Secret Service covers pedophilia as well..
Send Creepy Joe to Kenosha after Kyle gets acquitted. He knows how to deal with pedos.
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