Mass Euthanasia of Bomb Sniffing Dogs in Kuwait Causes Outrage – IOTW Report

Mass Euthanasia of Bomb Sniffing Dogs in Kuwait Causes Outrage

Pictures leaked earlier out of the Kuwait Animal Rescue Unit showing dozens of dogs piled up in a narrow hallway after a mass Euthanasia of the animals.

The dogs belonged to Eastern Securities of Kuwait (an American firm) who had a contract  to provide bomb sniffing dogs for Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC).

KNPC claims it canceled the contract (roughly $9,000 per dog a month) when the animal’s bomb detecting abilities were called into question by a third party company who tested them.

There are reports that Eastern Securities of Kuwait still has 91 dogs and there are accusations that the animals are suffering and abused.


I’ve looked at multiple sources on this troubling story and it looks like some kind of fraud exploiting dogs.

21 Comments on Mass Euthanasia of Bomb Sniffing Dogs in Kuwait Causes Outrage

  1. The way that it’s known that Islime-ist Quoranderthals hate dogs, I’m surprised that any American company would sell dogs for any reason over to the ME.

  2. You can check into the story yourself, but it appears that an American contractor took a whole lot of money off this Kuwaiti oil company for a contract to bomb sniff the oil company’s facilities with untrained dogs.

    I believe Eastern Securities of Kuwait, the American firm was ultimately responsible for these animals and it appears that they were terribly abusive to them.

    It looks Eastern Securities of Kuwait left the dogs at the shelter to be destroyed a few at a time and avoid publicity, but the shelter killed them all at once and created a stir.

    The American company appears to be the really, really bad guys here, unless something different comes up.

  3. I’ve got a 15 year old Boston Terrier that’s blind, deaf, suffers dementia terrible, and I ask myself if it’s selfish to not put him down. When he wiggles his whole butt and stubby tail in appreciation of my presence and touch, I know he still has time.
    These dogs look more than capable of tail wagging.
    Sick fucks.

  4. Kuwait ….yeah they’re the same who were outraged about Orlando, Boston marathon, Twin towers, eradication of Christians.. NOT !
    They fund terrorists, Kuwait is the “key transit point” for Al Qaeda money and the Kuwaiti government refused to ban a charity named the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society even though the U.S. sanctioned it for its Al Qaeda links.

    And Eastern Securities of Kuwait (if true) are no better than the islamic murdering scum they serve.

  5. Wonder if these dogs had to be killed because they were not, in fact, properly trained and effective bomb-sniffing dogs? Once the issue was raised, the evidence had to be destroyed. Otherwise, why not use them elsewhere, or sell them to someone who could work them?

  6. @eternal cracker p June 24, 2016 at 5:58 pm

    Selfish? It’s almost treasonous! Your country needs a Democratic Vice Presidential candidate. Something that can jump in the chair and take over for Hilary, if something happens. The continuity of The Empire may be at stake!

  7. It sounds like the contractor was a fraudster in which case they ought to be fed into the Arab justice system without the benefit of full wallets. Your basic Arab gets really pissed if he figures he’s been taken for a ride.

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