Mass Shooting Over The Weekend The MSM Wants To Ignore – IOTW Report

Mass Shooting Over The Weekend The MSM Wants To Ignore

Town Hall

If there’s one problem in America the media loves reporting about, it’s mass shootings. Except, of course, if it happens in an inner city.

Fox News’s Tucker Carlson took notice of one that occurred in Washington, D.C. over the weekend, however, and blasted the media for ignoring the story because it didn’t “help the Biden campaign.” More

A few scant details from local TV in D.C. Here

7 Comments on Mass Shooting Over The Weekend The MSM Wants To Ignore

  1. I partially disagree with Tucker. The fact that it doesn’t help the Biden campaign is secondary to the narrative that only whites shoot blacks.

    Edit – I forgot to mention it is because we are RACIST!!


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