Massachusetts approves driver’s licenses to illegal migrants, as border surge taxes state resources – IOTW Report

Massachusetts approves driver’s licenses to illegal migrants, as border surge taxes state resources

JTN- Massachusetts has become the most recent state to allow illegal migrants to apply for a driver’s license, a move that has the potential to ease some of the burden on government resources already struggling from the surge in immigration.

The “Work and Family Mobility Act” went into effect July 1 – after roughly two decades of debate on the matter in the commonwealth’s Legislature.

11 Comments on Massachusetts approves driver’s licenses to illegal migrants, as border surge taxes state resources

  1. When you supposedly live in a “democracy” but the only people you can vote for are crooks and incompetents who constantly do things that are bad for the country and its citizens, it’s time to accept that fact that your country is run by a foreign entity that doesn’t give a damn how shitty things get in your country.

    In much of the US, we Americans don’t run the show here anymore. And many, if not most, of the people in federal office are dipshit ringers who just do what they’re told, get hated by the public, and get a big payday for doing it.

  2. So, we’re gonna have thousands if illegals driving around in junkers with no insurance but we have to pay more for our insurance. Sounds like a guvmint program…

  3. Maine gives them out too except they say they’re temporary licenses for “asylum seekers”. Even when they can’t speak English.
    They can’t drive worth beans.
    It seems from their driving habits that lines on the roads and traffic signs are a suggestion.
    They love to park in non parking areas intown Portland and put on their flashers and go shopping.
    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost been sideswiped by them.

  4. Illegal licenses should have “PARASITE” in bold lettering. But I suppose these leftist states want to use licenses to get around any voter ID laws that may come in the future.

    Can’t have Americans have a say in American government, now can we…


  5. wild bill is right, they are here illegally and no one will do anything so why do they need a license. They’re not going to arrest them or give them a ticket for not having one. Besides that the name that they will give them will be fake.

  6. This will just encourage more uninsured illegals to come to Massachusetts to get free stuff out of the taxpayers pocket via taxes and take scarce American jobs.

  7. The real goal of giving the illegals licenses is to allow them to vote. Of course, it’s illegal for a non citizen to vote in the USA but with ID law routinely flouted, presenting a license when registering ought be a clear pass to the vote.

  8. They just give away licenses to anyone, now in NY I have to get an ‘enhanced license’ to board a domestic airline flight or cross the border to Canada.


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