Massachusetts Governor Asks Residents to Take in Illegals – IOTW Report

Massachusetts Governor Asks Residents to Take in Illegals


Massachusetts officials are now asking residents to take border crossers and illegal aliens into their homes as illegal immigration continues adding to the state’s homeless population.

Gov. Maura Healey (D) is calling on residents with empty bedrooms in their homes and apartments to consider taking in border crossers and illegal aliens.

The new host family strategy comes as the state scrambles to expand shelter capacity and provide for an increasing number of homeless families. The state’s new Family Welcome Center in Allston is tasked with recruiting, vetting and onboarding host families, as well as pairing them with the families in need.

“This has previously been a practice among Resettlement Agencies and other volunteers who work to support new arrivals,” said Karissa Hand, press secretary for the Healey administration, in a statement. Host families are generally drawn from the community and volunteer networks, her statement said.


27 Comments on Massachusetts Governor Asks Residents to Take in Illegals

  1. They are asking citizens to shelter criminals. Soliciting someone to commit a criminal act is a crime itself. But these chuckleheads are too ignorant to know this.

  2. If I lived in Massaschusetts I would tell them to their face no, no and hell no, never. To coerce residents of Mass, by force if necessary to accept illegal immigrants into your home because the state of Mass. says so is a blatant violation of both the 3rd and 4th Amendments to the US Constitution as written into law in the Bill of Rights. I hate the left and their tyranny and wanting to control every aspect of our lives. Our Founding Fathers would’ve tarred and feathered these bastards for doing this or even suggesting it.

  3. Even if I had room (which I don’t), you couldn’t pay me enough to take in illegals. Not even legals.

  4. This is so wrong, that you can only be amazed. The illegal burns your house down? Steals everything? Rapes your kid(s)? For sure it will be an utter mess. What about kitchen “privileges” ? Laundry room, garage, yard ??? How many kids can this illegal bring with it? Are they its ACTUAL kids, or stolen? Smoking, drugs, loud noise????
    okay, this is SO funny, it is right up there with Illinois upholding their version of insanity.

  5. When very few step forward to house these criminal illegal aliens, the logical next totalitarian step for the communist death democrats is not to ask but to force their idiot voters to house them or else off to the gulags you go..

    The voters of Massachusetts deserve every single totalitarian brutality they voted for. Suicide by voting is on display.

  6. It’s kind of strange, but it seems that if you elect, or allow maggots to steal elections, you get maggots in office.

    Of course, I’ve never done a study on it, but the anecdotal evidence points in that direction.

    And no harm against the ladies of this website, but it appears that if the governor of any state is female (or girly male), the state’s headed to shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I’m sure the governors mansion has empty rooms as does the capitol building. I understand lots of churches have had to be closed. Contact the diocese. A lot of the wealthy have summer homes they don’t use most of the time, do a canvass of the Cape, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket and the Berkshires.

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