Massachusetts State Rep. Marjorie Decker says owning guns a ‘privilege’ – IOTW Report

Massachusetts State Rep. Marjorie Decker says owning guns a ‘privilege’ UPDATED: Gun owners in Massachusetts, and beyond its borders, are outraged over remarks by a Democrat Bay State legislator who said Thursday that “it is a privilege to have a gun license,” causing one conservative online news site to declare that she needs a civics lesson.

The offending remark by State Rep. Marjorie Decker, a Cambridge liberal, is spreading across social media like a California wildfire. According to the New Boston Post, Decker was at a meeting of the Public Safety Committee, which was discussing the use and regulation of firearm suppressors (“silencers”) when she remarked, “It is a privilege that we allow individuals to hold onto something that causes harm and death. It is a privilege to have a car license, it is a privilege to have a gun license.”

Listen to Decker’s remarks at 8:34 on the audio.

But the New Boston Post editorial board late Thursday came out swinging. In an editorial headlined “Civics Lesson for State Rep on Guns,” the publication declared, “State Representative Marjorie Decker’s claim that having a gun license – which, regrettably, is currently needed to own a gun in Massachusetts – is a privilege as opposed to a right is not only wrong. It’s outrageous.”

The editorial stated bluntly, “It takes a civics lesson to become a citizen. Maybe we ought to start requiring one to become a state rep.”  read more

19 Comments on Massachusetts State Rep. Marjorie Decker says owning guns a ‘privilege’

  1. Face it… Asshole democrats, news people, and entertainers have convinced themselves that they can change the law and constitution by changing the narrative of the “reality” of what the law and constitution actually say, and spineless fuckheaded republicans constantly let them get a way with it.

  2. Need a license to own in gun in the Bay State? Eff that. I would immediately be a criminal if I lived there. Some laws are worthy of being completely ignored. You are only as free as you allow yourself to be. Remember that.

  3. The same leeches who claim a right to “health care” which means they may demand others pay for it, in the same breath claim it is a privilege to equip yourself for defending yourself, your family, and your property which lays no claim on anyone else at all. Evil + stupid = left-collectivism.

  4. “.. the privilege to keep and bear arms by any citizen must be approved by a majority in the House of Representatives, and two thirds of the Senate.”
    That’s their aim. Be very alert. A couple of years ago a New Jersey legislator was overheard saying “Registration is important, but confiscation is the goal.”

  5. These would-be mass murderers have been using forced disarmament as jack fodder for a hundred years. They thankfully, can’t start loading us onto cattle cars until they get it done. I for one, want them to just go for it, I’d like be able to march down Pennsylvania Ave while I’m still young and handsome.

  6. 1V: “The privilege of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against searches and seizures shall have to be approved by the local Sheriff, or in his absence, the local democrat party boss, or a judge appointed by such democrat party boss.”

  7. Unfortunately it has become a privilege because of scumbag politicians fail to comprehend the simple concept of “shall not be infringed.”

    What I would like to see is that with an honorable discharge from the military you would get to take your rifle and pistol with you. Also after basic training all military members would be required to be armed while in uniform.

  8. Liberals/Progressives/Communists/Fascists are pawns to those willing to subjugate entire countries for power. Until they’re recognized as a danger to liberty, their efforts will continue to cause chaos.

  9. Rights of self protection against aggressors are God given. They are part of our natural rights as defined in the original document, the Constitution and our bill of rights

    A transitory political figure has no say in this issue
    She is irrelevant to the discussion.

  10. Correction: It is a privilege to serve as a Massachusetts Representative. It can and should be revoked for this Leftist scum.

    My Second Amendment RIGHTS are rights, not privileges.

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