Massachusetts towns implement voluntary evening lockdowns to curb spread of deadly mosquito-borne disease – IOTW Report

Massachusetts towns implement voluntary evening lockdowns to curb spread of deadly mosquito-borne disease


Several towns in Massachusetts have instituted voluntary evening lockdowns in an effort to prevent the spread of Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), a mosquito-borne disease that can be deadly to humans.

The Oxford Board of Health voted on Wednesday to recommend that residents remain indoors after 6 pm until the end of September, following reports from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health of the first human case of EEE in the state since 2020. Beginning October 1, the advisory will recommend that residents stay inside after 5 pm until the first hard frost of winter, as these times are considered “peak mosquito hours.” more

21 Comments on Massachusetts towns implement voluntary evening lockdowns to curb spread of deadly mosquito-borne disease

  1. Rachel Carson was full of shit when she wrote Silent Spring, it is house cats that kill over a billion song birds each year in the US, not DDT. Spray baby, spray. The environmentalists are more than happy letting a million people a year die of malaria in Africa.

  2. Project Force Mail-In Voting is ramping up, I see. They’re doing this because no one with a brain in their head is voting democrat anymore. The steal must be huge.

  3. Yep, yep, yep – similarly to “Gun Free” school zones – the mosquitoes will see Massholes running into their homes and just shrug their little shoulders and say “I guess that’s another one that got away.” instead of pursuing it into the house.

    Round these parts mosquitoes aren’t respecters of domiciles – or garages.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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