WLT Report:
Fear isn’t getting the best of the patriots in Butler, PA.
They’ve turned out in droves to see President Donald Trump speak.
As I’m sure you all know, this is the location of the failed assassination attempt, the site where the President was miraculously saved from the enemy’s bullets.

And I’m sure all the eyeballs at this rally are continually scanning the area.
In fact, this might be the safest place to be right now in America.
I will say, this is still very impressive to see.
Garland, et al, must be grinding their teeth.
(the puppet-masters, as well)
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Remember the huge crowds in the streets in France, Brazil, and tractor blockades in France, Netherlands, truckers in Canada, and of course masses occupying Tiananmen Square.
Fat lot of good they did.
Another troll raises his idiot head.
And, how many ‘left early’?
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Trump is a Rockstar ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Funny how I see so many comment, “ How many left early ?” Who cares? They were there 👍🏻
The rallies by the non-communist candidates only provide evidence to the owners of how heavy the cheat must be to keep things ‘on an even keel’.
Great to see, great to know, doesn’t answer the cheat here, in South America or Europe though.
Did they have someone covering the sloopy roof?
Yes, Secret Service detail finished sloped roof training in time for the event…
The big crowds are giving President Trump lots and lots of additional muscle. Political muscle. The media who either don’t report it, or downplay it, or claim his followers are ignorant nazis or whatever BS they are flinging today are simply digging their own graves.
I would really like to help some media cretins fall into their dirt holes, but I can’t do that, unless I’m recruited into some kind of self-defense force.