Massive Dog Wants Biden To Get The Hell Away From Him – IOTW Report

Massive Dog Wants Biden To Get The Hell Away From Him

Joe Biden’s Irish ‘Weekend at Bernies’ style trip continued on Thursday with several incredible moments, including the U.S. President’s attempt to say hello to a dog that hilariously wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

The huge Bernese Mountain dog called Misneach (the Irish word for courage) belongs to the Irish President Michael Higgins, who had to put him back in the house to avoid more embarrassment after he growled and barked a warning at Biden, backing away and refusing to greet him. Watch:

33 Comments on Massive Dog Wants Biden To Get The Hell Away From Him

  1. Dogs know!
    The pooch could smell the stink of corruption and pedophile in old Joe! Pooch was also smart enough to know not to turn his back to him or he might wind up walking funny for a while!

  2. The dog has more sense than the House, the Senate, the Supremes, and the traitorous maggots who put the Retarded Pedophile Usurper in the White Hut.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Not to defend Biden, but those big guard dogs are not bred to be nice to strangers.
    Mr. Beachmom got mauled by a friend’s Great Pyranees a couple of months ago. They forgot to put him in the kennel. He charges the door any time a stranger shows up.

  4. Dogs know good people from evil people. We all really have that sense, we don’t need to sniff Biden to know he’s evil. Good thing the dog didn’t sniff him, he would have died. Poor puppy.

  5. Uncle Al at 9:14 am

    Who’s a good dog?!

    The one whose got the dindu on the ground with his mouth attached to the guys ass, and the guy is screaming “get your dog off me!” Officer: “As soon as you cooperate, the dog comes off!” I love those videos!

  6. Maybe its not the pedophilia thats bothering the dog. Most animals will do their litter mates and offsprings. Thats why you have to get your pets fixed

    No, the dog is sensing that Joe is already amongst the walking dead.

  7. Think of all the kids shrinking away from pedo Joe. They sense it as well. People train their kids to override that innate sense so to keep decorum in public or to avoid hurting the persons, usually a relatives feelings. This is wrong in obvious ways and once the child is well taught to override that natural sense it often lasts a lifetime.

    Why do you suppose they’re exposing young children to all these perverts in school, at the library, parades, etc? They are being groomed to override their natural sense of ‘wrongness’ in an even obviously deranged person they encounter. Girls and women learn to suppress and distrust the sense more easily than boys in my opinion. A very thoroughly trained dog can be made to ignore the sense as well.

    If you know a person who ‘dogs don’t like’, try calming your mind and allowing yourself to sense the person, outside of conscious thought. The ability is still there, just overridden by training. You might get nothing, you might learn something. If your young kid is usually easygoing but shies off one particular person or another don’t shame the poor little one into interacting, you’re just teaching the kid to override a very important natural sense.

  8. If Joe had persisted in his usual fashion of sniffing everything, he could have had his nose chewed off.

    Just imagine the hilarity of the first US President to have had his nose removed by an angry dog.

  9. Anyone else notice how the Pedo grows hair when he is not outdoors? But take his lizard ass outside and he goes totally chrome dome?

    The spray on hair just flies away in the breeze, what a narcissist putz. Humper is suffering from it as well, couldn’t happen to a more deserving pair.

    Interesting that us Injuns keep our glorious black locks….


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