Massive Explosion Reported at a Metal Manufacturing Plant in Bedford, Ohio – IOTW Report

Massive Explosion Reported at a Metal Manufacturing Plant in Bedford, Ohio


BREAKING NEWS: ‘Mass casualty incident’ reported following explosion at metal manufacturing plant in Bedford, Ohio – two weeks after toxic train in East Palestine derailed.

  • Multiple people are injured following an explosion at a metal manufacturing plant in Bedford, Ohio
  • It remains unclear what caused the explosion and how many were injured 
  • The explosion is located just about 70 miles from East Palestine, where a toxic train derailed on February 3

17 Comments on Massive Explosion Reported at a Metal Manufacturing Plant in Bedford, Ohio

  1. Meanwhile, a very large portion of our population is asleep, more don’t see any connection between all of these incidents and another portion are cheering this on.

  2. “Yellow metals don’t go boom”…..True, but the method to extract them from ore or melt down recycled materials requires heat producing energy that can go boom…..

  3. I looked at the Twitter. No information, but lots of people blaming Trump, blaming Biden, whatever.

    Now is not the time for that.


    Please just pray for those people, for the stricken, for their families, and for their rescuers.

    They need the Lord to move. To heal, to comfort, to find, to protect, and to see those beyond the help of Man safely to His side forever.

    Pray for them.

    Dear Lord, we come before You today on behalf of many in dire need. We do not know the details or the names but do not need to know them because they are known to You. We know only that our brothers and sisters in the family of Man are suffering and dying today, and that they desperately need Your intervention to help them in this terrible time. We ask that You reveal their location to those who seek them, that You numb their wounds and stop their bleeding, that You keep them from further harm and that You speed their healing as their Ultimate Physician. Please Lord, also hold their families in Your thoughts as they frantically seek news of their loved ones, comfort them that You are guarding their loved ones as they speak, that You are there to speak healing to the living and salvation to the dying, that You are wherever they have a loved one in need and that You will see them safely home to them, or to You, and that one way or another all will be reunited in Your perfect time.

    And Lord, help those that quell the flames, stabilize the shattered structures, search the ruins and seek to aid those in need. Grant them the strength of Your tireless arms, the protection of Your angels as they work, the ability to find those that are physically lost, and the wisdom to treat them after they are pulled from the rubble. And when all is done, Lord, grant all the mercy of forgetting things seen and instead focus on the miracles of rescue Your intervention will bring about.

    This and more is much to ask, Lord, and we are not worthy but by the Blood of Your Son. But by thaf Blood we beseech You, that You move in Your infinite mercy in these matters, to Your everlasting glory.

    It is in the precious nane of Jesus we pray,

    God Bless,

  4. ‘Metal Manufactoring Plant’?

    wonder if they’re manufactoring this type of metal?
    ht tps://

  5. A two year open wound to our Southern border does not help!
    Gee Wally, I wonder if we’ve had nineteen terrorists come across yet…
    Dunno Beave, but it sure sounds like a pretty catchy name for wine don’t it?

  6. Let’s see…Ukraine is burning through our stockpiles of ammunition at a horrific rate, but that’s OK, cuz Joey is going to replenish our supplies real soon (you know, like the strategic petroleum reserve). Ammunition casings are made from brass. Brass manufacturer plant blows up.

    Nope, I can’t seem to connect the dots…anyone?

  7. …so far, no fatalities…

    “The Oakwood Village Fire Department confirmed that 13 people were taken to the hospital following the incident and that at least one of them was in critical condition. Another person was reportedly injured but not taken to the hospital.”

    ht tps://

    …thank you Lord.

    Keep praying.

  8. It looks like they are making alloys, so it might have been something dropped into a large amount of molten metal and superheated, causing the whole thing to explode catastrophically. It’s rare but it happens. It could have been inexperienced and/or overworked workers. It must have been a horrific experience.

    My brother taught me how to make wax fireballs using melted wax and water or an ice cube. He had to explain to our father the scorch marks on the underside of the balcony. We made better site selection after that.

  9. Can you imagine if ‘our’ government was pro-American??

    The benefits would be astronomically beneficial for everyone, even the poorest of patriots.

    Of course, ‘the powers-that-be,’ would find themselves in prison or in front of a firing squad. (a beautiful thought).

    Hey, I’m more than capable of fantasizing.


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