Massive private Climate Change ‘resiliency’ program is on its last legs – IOTW Report

Massive private Climate Change ‘resiliency’ program is on its last legs

DC- The Rockefeller Foundation is planning to pull the plug on its 100 Resilient Cities initiative as early as the summer of 2019, Bloomberg reports.

The 100 Resilient Cities program is the largest privately funded climate change resiliency program in the United States. The Rockefeller Foundation began the program in 2013 with the goal of funneling money into the infrastructure of 100 cities across the world, preparing them to endure the effects of climate change.

The project is shutting down and the Rockefeller Foundation will lay off about 100 people working on the initiative as soon as the summer, sources told Bloomberg.

The 100 Resilient Cities program received $164 million from the Rockefeller Foundation. It gave grants to 24 American cities to hire “chief resilience officers” to create and implement plans to increase the cities’ resistance to the alleged effects of climate change, such as more severe storms and rising sea levels.


9 Comments on Massive private Climate Change ‘resiliency’ program is on its last legs

  1. Look, I know the “genius” of The Rockefeller Foundation. I know. OK?

    But, still… cities are not designed to survive. By design. If the peasants don’t provide enough “surplus”, cities are designed to collapse. It’s what they are. By design.

    So, even if you just want to troll climate change “resiliency”, what would trying (with the intent to fail) to improve “resiliency” in a city, any city, accomplish? (Other than shoveling money from this government account into this other government account. I know. OK?)

  2. Well, when the thing you want is fake, the effort put into it will be fake, too.

    Truly, it’s hard to be in a constant state of panic regarding climate when you look out the window and all you see is the same as usual.

    Add any historical knowledge about earth’s climate history and you’ll clearly see it for the scam it is.

    Frankly, Mr Algore’s (needs a hump) “carbon credits” and his excessive use of electricity and fuel monsters personally was all I needed to see.

  3. From the beginning of time, man’s biggest threat to life has been the climate. We learned how to hunker down in caves, then we built structures to live in, then we put toilets in those structures so we wouldn’t have to go out in the climate just to take a dump. Then we put in climate control in the structures so we could be not only dry but also at a comfortable temperature, regardless of what nature has for outdoor plans.

    We have been so successful in creating our own climate, it almost doesn’t matter what the weather is outside. To put in a phrase, we’ve conquered the climate.

    Thousands of years successfully battling what was our worst fear – Stuck outside in shitty weather – to end up where we are now with the climate barely significant in day to day life – and now the progressive left is trying to ram down our throats the idea that the climate is now back in the number one spot of threatening all our lives once more? No, I don’t fall for it. Not until we knock down all our structures. Yes, WE would knock them down, or WE would allow them to fall to ruins. The climate has nothing to do with it.

    If any of these so called 100 Resilient Cities has so much as 1 building that prevents precipitation or temperature change the resiliency is already in place. It’s already working.

    From 10s of thousands of people dying due to climate each year to where we are now with barely a handful of people die from it. With the population is way up. In terms of percentages, death due to climate is statistically insignificant. Wake up, welcome to 2019: Climate isn’t killing anyone, nor will it kill anyone in the foreseeable future. Unless, of course, we give up everything we worked for as a human race and submit to some far-fetched idea that giving all our money and labor to governments is going to stop certain death where the cause has LONG since past.

  4. Let’s do the math:

    $164M / 24 cities = $6.83M per city

    2019 – 2013 = 6 years of operation

    $6.83M / 6 years = $1.1M / year

    100 people / 24 cities = 4 people per city

    Cost of operation / city / employee == $250,000

    Yeah, that’s about right. And for that investment, they got nothin’.

    Which raises the question: What dumb idiot is running The Rockefeller Foundation ?

  5. Fighting the Cold with a Glass Dome?
    In 1979: Winooski, Vermont: “Plan for the Study of Dome Over Town is Approved, to protect city from cold.”

    1980: “Brutal summer heat wave hits much of the U.S. Winooski residents now realize they would have fried to death.”
    From “The Old Farmer’s Almanac.” 2017 Edition, p 103.

  6. Earth has experienced global cooling, global warming, climate change, climate disruption, weather (whatever name they want to use for this hoax) since the planet we live on has been in existence. The only reason for this hoax is to rob us of all comforts of a civilized society for the benefit (power over the masses) of the elite.


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