Massive Russian Strikes to the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure Lead to Power Shutdowns in Most of the Country – IOTW Report

Massive Russian Strikes to the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure Lead to Power Shutdowns in Most of the Country


Since the beginning of the war, Russia has been systematically destroying the Ukrainian energy

In early May, Russian air strikes and missiles disrupted the thermal power plants in Ukraine to such a degree that it took the country to the brink in terms of power generation.

And now, roughly a month later, another large-scale, deadly wave of attacks is targeting the remainder of the energy infrastructure, notably attacking hydroelectric facilities.

This has led to Ukraine imposing emergency power shutdowns in all but three regions of the country.

Power grid operator Ukrenergo says the shutdowns are affecting both industrial and household consumers. more

20 Comments on Massive Russian Strikes to the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure Lead to Power Shutdowns in Most of the Country

  1. Sure glad we’re transitioning to electric military vehicles.

    Actually, hoping maybe we sent those to Ukraine and the war will soon be over.

  2. Maybe this belongs in a prior thread where Anonopuss was yakking off about President Trump and the 2018 NATO summit….I can’t find that but here is part of an article from the Left-wing Guardian news trash about the 2018 NATO summit. Trump gave ’em Hell.

    From The Guardian, that bastion of honest reporting, from the 2018 NATO summit (How Trump’s Nato summit meltdown unfolded | Donald Trump | The Guardian) :

    “Ignoring the discussion about Georgia and Afghanistan, Trump charged forward, saying his predecessors in the White House had pushed for an increase by Europeans on defence spending and he was not going to put up with it. Dispensing with the usual diplomatic niceties, he pointed at Merkel, whom he dislikes on a personal level as well as over their policy differences, and said: “You, Angela.”

    The most stunning comment came from a source reported by Reuters: “He said they must raise spending by January 2019 or the United States would go it alone.”

    This was greeted with shocked silence. It had seemed unthinkable: a US president threatening to pull out of a military alliance that the US has regarded as a cornerstone of its military strategy for 69 years.

    Could Trump pull US out of Nato and what would happen if he did?

    No one appears to be disputing the words. What is being disputed is the interpretation. Reuters reported Trump as having threatened to quit Nato but then rescinded this. Macron insisted this had not been Trump’s meaning.

    But just as alarming was the apparent ultimatum. European leaders who have so far failed to reach Nato’s 2% defence spending target are talking about achieving this years from now, not by January.

    Responding to the rising sense of panic in the room, the Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, called an emergency meeting. The leaders of Afghanistan and Georgia were asked to leave as they were not Nato members. The US president’s demand for further discussion of spending took precedence over Ukrainian and Georgian accession to Nato and the Afghanistan government’s fight with the Taliban.

    The meeting then broke up, without Stoltenberg or any of the other European leaders offering a single concession.”

    The NATO allies were shocked into stone-stiff silence as reported above. How dare Trump ask us to spend more money on our own defense?

    We have spent enough blood and treasure on the Yurps. They can all go masturbate in Satan’s Dumpster for all I care.

  3. @Anonopuss

    Well, didja get that, punk? “The meeting then broke up, without Stoltenberg or any of the other European leaders offering a single concession.”.

  4. “How Trump’s Nato summit meltdown unfolded” | Donald Trump | The Guardian)

    I didn’t read anything in Guardian’s article about Trump’s meltdown. What I saw was an American Warrior confronting the Yurps on their own turf, and asking them to pay their share of their own defense, and get their greedy hands off of Uncle Sam’s coattails.

  5. “This war was started by the democrat/GOPe swamp. They’re war criminals.”

    Now hold on, that’s a true statement. Except he forgot to mention George Soros.
    Would we tolerate 18 biological labs on our border? Well Joe would.

  6. @Hugh

    Zelensky can pound his piano with until his little pecker shrinks to nothing.

    Z-man better start working out a good plan to get out of the country before Putin grabs him and makes him a zombie. The undead creature, not the alcoholic drink.

  7. Putin is merely demonstrating what he could do tomorrow to France, Belgium, Latvia, Germany or GB. Imagine if he did such!

    And despite ALL the Western leaders being dumbass lying hypocrites, what could they say after all they’ve done?!
    Especially and including playing possum on an epic CRIME, ecologic and intnl. diplomatic, that was the destruction of the NordStream Pipeline.


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