Master Meme Retweeter-in- Chief – IOTW Report

Master Meme Retweeter-in- Chief

This retweet of a Nickelback video, repurposed to troll Joe and Hunter Biden, is driving the left nuts.

The comments mostly center around Trump being awful because he retweeted something from Nickelback.

This was PERFECT. This exposes the Trump hatred for what it is- it’s similar to hating Nickelback.

There is no good reason for that band to be dubbed horrendous and be the target of so much vitriol. They are just like a lot of other bands that aren’t the internet’s whipping boys.

If you asked these imbeciles why the hate Nickelback they wouldn’t be able to explain it, and their explanation as to why they hate our president would be equally as empty. It’s all based on mob think, lemming behavior, irrational anger based on nothing more than “it’s the way to be in 2019 in order to impress the people I’ve chosen to impress.”

Morons, all.

If you go to Twitter you’ll see a cavalcade of brainlessness in the replies.

16 Comments on Master Meme Retweeter-in- Chief

  1. Hey stoopeed gringos!

    You need to stop posting the hates and watching so many veedeeohs. Get back to work paying my welfare checks!

    Ees good, no?


    *arranges fake SS cards, one with your name on it*

  2. “I know nothing about it. But I am certain of it.”

    From TDS to Globaloney Warming – millions know nothing – AND – want to know nothing.
    They demand to be fed a pablum of lies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. How long before Twitter bans Trump completely? Jack has to be getting a lot of pressure to do that, and he’s already inclined to do it. And the shampeachment wouldn’t be complete without it.

  4. Traces, apologies to Dennis Yost

    Faded Photograph
    Covered now with lies and inditement.
    Country torn in half
    Memories in bits and pieces

    Traces of lies long ago
    That didn’t work out right
    Traces of lies

    Royal pay for his progeny
    So many lies together
    The lies we used to bear
    Now we will use against him.

    Traces of lies long ago
    That didn’t work out right
    Traces of lies with me tonight

  5. I’ve heard Trump haters yap about how Trump is a liar. You ask them what he lied about and they say he lies about everything, Ask them to give one example of a lie from Trump and you can watch the gears slowly grind in their weak, hate filled mind. They inevitably says he lies about everything. Parrots!


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