“Master Race”: High Art in a Low Art Format – IOTW Report

“Master Race”: High Art in a Low Art Format

In the mid-1950s concerned adults were told comic books were rotting the minds of the youth. A code was adapted by the industry to save itself from the pending witch hunt. The effect was to stifle comics with more adult themed stories in a genre already known for restricting creativity. At the time EC Comics had gathered many of the best in the industry and they still managed to produce some truly remarkable works despite the code. Among them was a story run in “Impact # 1” comic called “Master Race” in 1955.

At the link are the panels for this piece. I invite you to view them first. Here

An excellent short on the work and the artist who drew the images. Watch

17 Comments on “Master Race”: High Art in a Low Art Format

  1. I know. It’s called “blocking” when you black out these random shapes to form shadows and junk.

    The video wasn’t very technical. But yeah, you don’t make money in comixs. Good for him teaching.

  2. never forget … & shudder at the utter depravity of the human condition with its propensity for depravity, grossness, barbarity, cruelty & hatred on anyone that does not conform to their particular group authority, backed by ever-increasing force & punishment

    we are witnessing the beginnings of the same state of affairs in ‘the land of the free’ today… there is little promise that tomorrow will be better. they are at war against all that question or refuse to comply
    the ‘Last Great Hope of Mankind’ is dying as we furiously type away

    hope & pray to the Savior for deliverance,
    … & Ammo Up! shit’s about to get real

  3. This is more my kind of Nazi comic:

    Springtime for Hitler and Germany
    Deutschland is happy and gay
    We’re marching to a faster pace
    Look out! Here comes the master race

  4. Not for Joe Blow artists. Not anymore anyway. Hell, half the comic strips in the funny pages are reprints of dead artists.

    Modern comixs pay 500 to 700 bucks for a full color painted cover. You have to paint like a machine to make any real dough.

    I draw comic books for fun. I know I’ll never recoup expenses without hooking up with a bloodsucking distributor who isn’t interested in anything non Marvel anyway.

    Guys who got paid? I dunnon’, Todd MacFarlane. The guy who created Spawn. He diversified into collectibles and sold the rights to film people. Besides him you got Stan Lee.

    Everyone else is a working class schmuck.

    But I encourage everyone to try for themselves.

  5. Uncle Aaron’s Art Supply & Handgun Sales

    I played guitar since I was 13. And played pretty well. People told me that, anyway.

    I think the problem is I don

    Ok, off that tangent…

    Dog shit is dog shit. And dog shit lasts for a month or two, or maybe even many years. There is big money in dog shit.

    Yeah. I forgot what I was tryig to say.

    Oh, yeah, dog shit.

  6. It’s just commercial art. It’s advertising art. It’s supposed to be impactful. I always thought it was a bit brutalist. Those guys had stressful turn around times. The deal was to make it fast and snappy and punchy.

    That’s completely different than illustrations. Those are more fine art influenced. Neither one is what animators do….lazy tracing bastards….

    But the point is, it used to be a competitive market staffed by pro’s and ad men trying to make a buck. The balding guys who smoked and drank too much with 20 years of experience or apprenticeship before they even started with comics. And most significantly, it was all manual. I miss Ben Day dots. That was an actual sheet of dots you added to your drawing to give it a background. Now it’s all vector art.

    Anyway, nowadays, any retard with a computer program can churn out a.i. derived art. The craftsmanship is ovah. The market is flooded with talent. To stand out you have to have some pretty strong kung fu in your art. Personally, I’ve been waiting 30 years for this manga craze to go away.

    Tell ya’ what. You write me a story. I’ll pencil it. I might even ink it and scan it.

  7. Mad Magazine was hands down the best ‘comic’ of all time. I got one hell of an education from those pages… and along the margins too. And the artwork was amazing. Definately would be banished or banned in today’s fucked up society.

  8. I love this kind of comic art that I grew up with back in the 60’s, it was indeed high art and told stories better than any other kind of medium. I grew up with Jack Kirby, creator of Captain America, The Avengers etc., (my dog Kirby is named in his honor), Carmine Infantino (the Flash and Detective Comics with Batman), Neal Adams (Deadman as well as Batman), Steve Ditko the creator of the Amazing Spiderman, Wayne Boring who drew some of the best Superman comics in the 50’s and 60’s with a very angular Superman, Gil Kane (the Green Lantern) etc. And one of the best episodes of the Twilight Zone was Death’s Head Revisited where a former Nazi Commandant of a death camp revisited his former prison after World War 2 and was haunted by ghosts of Jewish people that he had killed until he died from fright at the end of the episode. I also had a large hardback copy of most of the EC horror comics at one time that I bought back in the early 70’s which I don’t have any more. Old comic books like older sci fi (Heinlein, Asimov, Bradbury, Clifford D Simak, EE doc Smith, Edgar Rice Burrough) etc. were classics for a reason and were far superior to most of the tripe that they have now.

  9. I bought all kinds of comic books when I was a kid. My father didn’t like me reading them, so I had to hide them away. He thought they were mind rot.

    I stopped buying and reading them around 12 YO. I don’t view them as serious reading for adults. All that WHAM! BANG! stuff in 4 basic colors is for kids, IMO.

    Not trying to put anyone down for reading them, but can anyone call it great or even mediocre literature?

    The Master Race one is at least much better than MAUS, which transferred Nazis and their victims to innocent animals. That offloads human evil to innocent creatures. Very BAD. Humans need to recognize their own evil acts.


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