Mathew 24:6 – IOTW Report

Mathew 24:6

King James Bible online Mathew 24:6

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must past, but the end is not yet.”

Zero Hedge

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is predicting political turmoil, civilian unrest, war and a big economic downturn in 2024 in a new report called “The Year from Political Hell.” 

It’s not just a US election year, but it is an election year for more than half of the world.  This is a global phenomenon which no one can be sure of the outcome. More

18 Comments on Mathew 24:6

  1. Matthew 24 has nothing to do with today and was all about the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. The ushering out of the shadows of the OC and in of the NC where WE are the Temples.

  2. My mom, who passed at age 96, in her last several years, would say, as out-of-town family members (still of childbearing age) “Matthew 24!” Not a crazy old lady, but cautioning of being pregnant at this time. Matthew 24:19.

  3. One more (but hidden) mega news, about Tucker-Putin interview.
    A unique perspective on Tucker’s interview (backed up with all the necessary sources). I mean, there really is nowhere else to meet it, backed up by the necessary factual justification. In case you are interested in more details, scroll down and review the next comments of the same person. This, for example. And I argue that this is exactly the actual reason for the interview (review, open the links and review more if you wish).

    Explanatory context, concerning the above.

  4. Other than the lust for power and money, what possible benefit do these members of the deep state derive from destroying the country and ruining the lives of all Americans? It’s equivalent to a giant beast chasing its tail, catching it and proceeding to consume itself while savoring its own flesh. They must be miserable and bitter people.

  5. I certainly see here fools who use fashionable phrases to kill characters, such as: “Pretty sure I’m seeing AI driven bots posting here. They have an ‘accent’ in their sentence structure and word usage.” 😉

  6. Vicious Sid

    I ponder that path you’re headed down a lot. What’s the point. What’s the end result. NATOs main charter is to have no unique governments. We are unique. I’d be happy if I knew exactly who my enemy was.

  7. Vicious Sid,
    The reason is, the strongly desired by them and highly undesirable by the majority of people (I hope they are the majority), a transition to a new technological order. If you ask me.

  8. “This is a global phenomenon which no one can be sure of the outcome.”

    phenomenon? an unusual, significant, or unaccountable fact or occurrence

    Ecclesiastes 1:9
    That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.

  9. False gods, dashboard Jesus. “The only time I have noticed ‘troubling times’ in my life-time is when Dems are in office.” Your demigod will save you, sure he will. This fallacy won’t work this coming Nov.


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