Matt Gaetz Brings It – IOTW Report

Matt Gaetz Brings It


Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz filed a resolution late Monday to oust Kevin McCarthy as speaker, setting up a likely showdown vote in the House in the days ahead. More

McCarthy tells Republicans threatening to oust him to ‘bring it’ after House passes stopgap spending bill with mostly Democratic votes

25 Comments on Matt Gaetz Brings It

  1. Name a Republican speaker that has had the victories McCarthy has. Don,t get me wrong, still not enough. However cut the bull shit. His first budget deal was more than any Repub speaker ever achieved. His CR just cut money flowing to an already lost war. Compared to other Republicans speakers he,s fucking stellar. Please let’s just deal with facts. I believe what I just wrote to be the truth.
    If you have other credible evidence please enlighten me. But right now I,m not seeing Geatz as productive. And I’ll listen to anybody but Rich the bitch. Done with him. Let’s have a serous discussion

  2. Brad, it’s possible McCarthy is doing as well as he can in this environment, but if he has a side deal to continue funding the Ukrainians I would vote him out! We have to stop funding WWIII.

  3. Joe6. Absolutely. Totally agree. But I’ve only personally seen those allegations posted one place. Brietbart is not reporting such a deal. If true hang him. If not true we need to consider his achievements in an extremely hostile environment. I’m of the opinion the freedom caucus offers up no win solutions. If Republicans shut down the govi indefinitely, who are low info voters voting for? We still need to win a couple elections

  4. I told my hold out rep to not give in and vote for McCarthy, he ended up doing so, although he showed some balls being a new guy in town. I have now told him to vote to kick him out.

  5. It’s all part of the show. Gaetz is just making noise. They haven’t actually stopped funding for Ukraine, Ukraine will still is still funded through the Pentagon.
    Also if your using DuckDuck, it’s a POS, and redirect just like any other POS.

  6. McCarthy needs to go, but who would replace him? Goetz may be showboating. Does he want to be Speaker? Hope whoever replaces McCarthy is a serious constutional conservative.

  7. McCarthy did fairly well at first but he’s slipping back into swamp mode. The side deal on Ukraine is sneaky.
    Maybe Gaetz filing to vacate will force him back in line with his promises. McCarthy thinks Dems will vote for him to remain but they’ll vote for Hakeem.
    I imagine McCarthy will remain if he backs off the swamp wagon.

  8. McCarthy was swamp before he was installed as speaker, way past time he was gone. Not sure Matt Gaetz is any better, he seems to be devil’s advocate and argues for the sake of arguing no matter what the topic is…


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