Matt Gaetz Confronts Milley on His Book Deal While He Failed Miserably At His Job – IOTW Report

Matt Gaetz Confronts Milley on His Book Deal While He Failed Miserably At His Job

15 Comments on Matt Gaetz Confronts Milley on His Book Deal While He Failed Miserably At His Job

  1. A pretty good assessment on the part of Matt Gaetz.
    They can parse words and write books till the cows come home, but at the end of the day they fucked up just as bad as their boss!
    Results, not excuses, used to matter!
    ESPECIALLY where it concerns our security!!

  2. Whatever happened to the slogan: “Failure is not an option”
    With this administration Fail is the word of the day!
    Jackass Joe plagiarizing his college papers! FAIL
    Plagiarizing his speeches! FAIL
    Lying about his grades! FAIL
    Lying about his IQ! FAIL
    Lying about his accomplishments! (how ’bout none in a half a century) FAIL
    Staying in his basement during a Presidential campaign! FAIL
    Getting installed (like a toilet) FAIL
    His son – FAIL
    His daughter – FAIL
    His family – FAIL
    His VP – FAIL
    Our nation’s energy sources – FAIL
    The nation’s Economy – FAIL
    Foreign policy – FAIL
    Our nation’s police forces – FAIL
    Our nation’s Military – FAIL
    Afghanistan – Fail
    Southern border – Fail
    Is it any wonder our generals thought it was OK to FAIL?

  3. I watched that clip this morning, great stuff.

    It is embarrassing and humiliating that our side has been so beat up, totally lacking in power and influence, flapping around like a gaffed fish on a boat deck, that we need wholly insignificant gestures like this and the “Fuck Joe Biden” displays to temporarily gain any semblance of self respect.

    The bad guys are winning, they control the culture of which politics is downstream of (Thank you Andrew Breitbart). And with the advent of mail in ballots, a “fair and honest” election is a fantasy.

    Oh, and this is the same Matt Gaetz that voted with the enemy in passing the NDAA.

  4. C’mon, TRF! There have to be some successes!

    Calling Lids – SUCCESS!
    Eating pudding and ice cream – SUCCESS!
    Leaving D.C. on weekends – SUCCESS!
    Appointing a red-headed Cabbage Patch Doll as press secretary – SUCCESS!
    Falling UP Air Force One stairs – SUCCESS!
    Blaming Trump for every conceivable thing – SUCCESS!
    Running out of patience with the unvaccinated – SUCCESS!
    Getting Pelosi to admit it’s actually Obama’s Presidency – SUCCESS!
    Talking about, you know, you know the THING! – SUCCESS!

  5. While I applaud their accumulation of worthwhile sound bites for the next election cycle, milley, austin, and that other asshole will just start the day tomorrow like nothing happened. Because the reality is, nothing happened, and nothing will happen.

  6. Ronny hater Milley, like Ronny hater Austin, got their flags and stars from. The UNIPARTY man the most liberal president in history, GWB!
    Ronny hater Lois Lerner.

    listen to Ronny hater’s speech in Pa 2.8 weeks ago. Milly did what GWB wanted! He will be protected!

  7. These narcissist generals will never admit their failures, but Gaetz threw it right in their lying, incompetent faces for all the world to see. Great job congressmen! No wonder the left hates him so much and are trying to destroy him any way they can.


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