Matt Lauer Accused Of Sexism For Interrupting Hillary Too Much – IOTW Report

Matt Lauer Accused Of Sexism For Interrupting Hillary Too Much

DC: Hillary Clinton was interrupted too much by Matt Lauer during NBC’s Commander in Chief forum, and the reason is because she’s a woman, some progressives said Wednesday night.

Lauer himself was a previously a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, but that supposedly didn’t stop him from handling Clinton in a disrespectful, condescending manner, at least according to some viewers. One of the first complaints was made by Charles Johnson of the blog Little Green Footballs, who said Clinton was “constantly” interrupted by Lauer while Republican candidate Donald Trump never was.


18 Comments on Matt Lauer Accused Of Sexism For Interrupting Hillary Too Much

  1. YET ANOTHER Idiot has escaped from the Village. Can you make up this insanity? Lauer constantly interrupted Trump at the start. It did not deter Trump, and he didn’t have a stealth piece in his ear to feed him answers. Lauer is a phony and fake as his madam, Cankles.

  2. These so-called town halls and presidential debates are nothing more than ratings and sponsor opportunities for the cable and network business. If they were thought to be very important at all, they would only be covered by C-SPAN and moderated by serious debate moderators. This stuff is like watching a play-off game with referees who double as marketing execs for the teams on the field. Can you imagine?! The sad part is NFL fans wouldn’t put up with *that* for a minute.

  3. If she, her libtard supporters and the media thinks she is getting ‘sexist’ (whatever that even means) treatment how is she going to deal with the dictators of the world that have no trouble calling Obama the son of whore.

  4. He kept interrupting her cuz she wouldn’t shut the hell up!
    I can’t wait until Lester “King Racist” Holt moderates the first debate. We are all going to need some Valium and a stiff drink!

  5. This is why we can’t have a woman president. Until this country can get beyond seeing everything through the prism of race, sex, and skin color, and treat individuals as individuals, judged on the content of their character, putting people like Hillary up is just a distraction.

    Are we seriously going to claim that Putin was mean to Hillary because she’s a woman?

  6. Trump never got to finish answering a question with that little faggot prick. But he was all sweet with hillary (at least in the first few minutes. I had to pull the plug on the video or vomit).

  7. I used to get pissed when the moderators were all democrats. And I was this time as well when it was announced who’d all be leading the debates. One difference though this time. DONALD J. TRUMP. He eats those little cretins alive live on television.

  8. I wonder if Matty pulled the same visceral reaction to Trump as Chrissy Matthews did with O’Tingles? A real man causes these twatflowers to quiver in their pink panties. Chrissy on the other hand is just plain demented. His quivering and tingles would happen when he smells sweaty scrotums. The Lefties are among the worst in the leper colonies.

  9. Old Hil needs to hire Comey to run interference for her and have him explain why she is innocent even though she has both a smoking gun in her hand and a dead corpse at her feet!

  10. The libs cannot attack on policy, so they must resort to the very items they are most guilty of, racism, sexism, and ‘unfairness’.

    Liberal talking points are so worn out, that we can see ithem clearly.

    Hillary adds a new dimension of depravity and aloofness to liberal politics. I think she is Hitler reincarnated. Attila the Hun? Oh hell, there isn’t ONE historical bad guy that embodies Hillary. She is the perfect composite of evil, corruption, and putrefaction.

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