Matt Walsh Asks, “What is a Woman?” – IOTW Report

Matt Walsh Asks, “What is a Woman?”

He gets the usual pat, stupid, unthinking answer-

This answers this moron, succinctly—

26 Comments on Matt Walsh Asks, “What is a Woman?”

  1. A friend, who is a very successful former pro athlete, has been having a very open-minded discussion the past few days regarding trans (and any other type) athletes. The one thought that nobody has brought up is where are the trans men (i.e. female DNA) who are competitive going up against regular men? If everything is equal we should expect that, right? Even if it means taking testosterone or other hormones?
    But it isn’t discussed because everybody understands that won’t work.

  2. LCD
    A league of their own is the only solution,
    and funded by receipts at the gate and viewership independent of government funds.

    Imagine a Mixed Trannie Tennis match…

  3. Back in the day, identifying as a woman ain’t enough to get you laid in my house.

    I think all of this shit was given a green light when The Crying Game opened in the early 90s. The big reveal of course was the chick had a dick but to the hardened IRA terrorist(see what I did there) he couldn’t resist…it.

    I was like no fookin’ way back then and still am.

  4. Anyone who announces to the world, “I identify as a woman” is probably not a woman. Typically an actual woman states, “I am a woman” when asked to identify what gender they are, usually in response to a single individual who inquired, who is probably asking the question when not face-to-face.

  5. @Kcir – yeah, that was my comment, that trans women competing against women is just going to drive interest down.
    Of course, like with US Women’s Soccer they will complain until a judge gives them more money, or something.

  6. @ecp – “…Anyone who announces to the world, “I identify as a woman” is probably not a woman. Typically an actual woman states, “I am a woman”…”

    I wonder what Helen Reddy would have to say about this.

  7. If you have to ask the question, what is a woman, I’ll never tell &
    you might not ever know. Being Woke is overrated, gender identity issues are overstated. Everyone is not gay, trans, non-binary or bi. Do I want to know what percentage of the population has sexual identity issues, FOCK NO. This is being pushed to an unwanted public opinion & acceptance.

  8. A bunch of people where I work have added “pronouns” to their address in their e-mail formats.
    I have resisted. If I am ever coerced I’m putting “DUDE” or “GUESS”.

  9. Just the facts. If you don’t have two X chromosomes and your body doesn’t have a monthly cycle (until menopause) to prepare you for getting pregnant and carrying a baby nine months, then birth through your womb…then you most definitely are not a woman. If none of the former apply then you’re…let’s all say it together class… a man.

    The left are sick and twisted. Those who believe and support the left’s gaslighting narrative – women can be men and vis versa will never change the truth. God created men and women and they are not interchangeable.


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